Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [pers pn] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Because of the singlet condition I know that unc for B implies unc for A , so that A certainly has unc and it must be in one of the two states unc or unc From this sort of consideration , and some combinatorial mathematics which I will not inflict upon you here , John Bell deduced in 1964 an experimentally testable consequence ( see Appendix , A9 ) .
2 The security guard touched his cap , smiled and waved her on , and when she pulled up in the car park she found that in spite of the earliness of the hour some families had already arrived .
3 If special programme participants are subtracted from the temporary labour force we find that , whilst it grew between 1983 and 1986 , it did so only very slightly — by only just over five per cent .
4 When I spoke to Mrs. Olinton she said that Mr. Olinton was so set against Scouts and Guides that he would n't even let his own daughter , Jessica , join Brownies , although she wanted to . ’
5 Three years into his undergraduate degree he concluded that the curriculum was too narrow , too rigid , and too dominated by grades .
6 Whatever the physiological stimulus to platelet aggregation and thrombus formation it appears that it is the fissuring of an atheromatous plague often with extrusion of plaque lipid contents which triggers thrombus formation ( Bouch & Montgomery , 1970 ) .
7 Initially as a result of the fear reaction it seems that people avoid the situations which induced their fear or high levels of stress .
8 Morse had never seen Mrs Marion Kemp , but from the marriage photograph that hung in the living room he realised that she must once have been quite a vivacious woman : dark , curly hair ; slim , firm figure ; and curiously impudent , puckish eyes .
9 The veneer treatment of the keywell of the V&A harpsichord does not look at all like Mercier 's painting , but from the multitude of Hitchcock spinets we know that he was not averse to the use of sycamore in this area , which , when it is varnished over , darkens to that golden hue that the painter has reproduced so faithfully .
10 Indeed , in one of the Criterion Commentaries he maintained that a rural existence was ‘ the best life ’ for most people — a view which ‘ most people ’ have not shared .
11 From another statement in Taskopruzade 's article on Fahreddin Acemi it appears that he also studied under , and was licensed in by , Burhaneddin Haydar Herevi .
12 On the Friday morning we heard that by popular demand we were to stay on another week .
13 Unfortunately there was to be no 200 metres event , but there were some invitation events scheduled including a 60 metres , and having won that event at the Cosford Games I thought that I would be selected .
14 In describing a future coalition government he promised that ‘ we will not give representatives of the other side just two or three armchairs ’ .
15 At the trial before Lord Tenterden C.J. it appeared that Godefroy brought an action against one Dalton , and caused Collins to be subpoenaed to attend .
16 Gary had always had a heart for Switzerland and as he read that verse at Spring Harvest he knew that Switzerland was the place .
17 One Friday lunchtime we learned that there were no more classes that day but we were confined to the Grand till evening .
18 Capitalizing on the Melby report they suggested that Paris should pass a large measure of responsibility for the Indo-Chinese problem to the UN : thus enlisting wider support from free Asian countries and perhaps even inhibiting Chinese communist support for Ho Chi Minh .
19 And setting foot inside Tuscan Club apartments you know that you 've made the right choice .
20 From this deletion analysis we conclude that the minimal DNA binding domain of the 140k protein lies within residues 472 to 633 .
21 A teller for the motion to make no further addresses to the king , Evelyn was later involved in plans to make a new peace approach to disengage the king from the Scots , and during the Newport negotiations he urged that extremist measures should be tempered while negotiations continued .
22 In my opinion the rise of absolute egalitarianism was a tactical move , the C C P hoped that land reform would be the key to the rapid mobilization of peasants which would enable them to defeat the superior forces of the K M T. They thought that the advantages of heightening peasant mobilization outweighed the drawbacks of narrowing its support base .
23 As more JARs become part of harmonisation regulation we hope that this work and associated costs will diminish in the next year or so , and the cost of work on JARs must be set off against work not needed on BCARs .
24 The only other comment I had in terms of the scale of settlement , which I think is just touching upon the next point , is that , I mean depending on the conclusions you reach as to the the amount of housing to be provided for in a new settlement , I take the point that Mr Brighton made that you 've got to have a longer term perspective I think that he f that in the ten year period ninety six to two thousand and six that the new settlements to be brought forward during , erm I think it 's really unrealistic to achieve more than twelve fifty , fourteen hundred houses in that period , if you say reach a conclusion there should be two thousand houses in that period in a new settlement , there might be some benefit in having two settlements , each of a capacity of say twelve fifty , f for erm twelve fifty to fifteen hundred that can have capacity for the next plan period , and in other words to assist in meeting the constraints that exist on York that are likely to exist into the future .
25 You can erm by word of mouth recommendations it means that we , we have to spend less money on advertising , now that means that in the long run we can pass that on to the client like yourself
26 There had been a lot of activity in and around Brigade H.Q It appears that the enemy in front of the Commando positions has started to pull out , possibly due to the Allied advance in the Caen area about ten miles from here .
27 After nine years exploring a new operation for large bowel disease we considered that it was time to take stock and objectively evaluate the merit of restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis , familial adenomatous polyposis , and functional bowel disorders .
28 To the National Defence Council he asserted that of course there had never been any intention of abandoning the Right Bank .
29 Whereas it is right to make sure that the value of the basic state pension is preserved for all income brackets we believe that any extra resources should be directed to the poorer end .
30 ‘ In our dealings with North West companies we find that many have shown increases in productivity and earnings , even during the recession , proving that they have been able to compete effectively in the international arena , ’ she said , adding that there was nevertheless no room for complacency .
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