Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [noun sg] make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The parallel-derived , series-inserted feedback with unity feedback fraction makes it a very valuable circuit that is much used as a buffer in electronics .
2 The mixture 's high carbon monoxide content makes it extremely lethal .
3 So , for example , a 44-year-old man maintained that sex taunts drove him to strangle his wife , which produced the headline SEX JIBE MADE ME A KILLER ( Daily Mirror ) .
4 They made a conscious decision not to deal with the new carpet superstores , largely because profit margins would be so low in that their bulk purchasing power made them able to demand low margins .
5 Derbyshire made no secret of their doubts about the ability of West Indian fast bowler Ian Bishop to make it back to the top in county cricket this season after 18 months plagues by career-threatening back problems .
6 A free telephone help line makes it easier for people in Lincolnshire to get benefit advice or information .
7 This partially revived me after the £1,314 price tag made me feel faint .
8 Accordingly , the only outward sign of a certain limited degree of prosperity were his immaculate clothes , although he never had a Savile Row tailor make him a suit or went to one of the more fashionable outfitters specializing in foreign-made clothes .
9 Does he agree that the private sector electricity industry makes it ever more important that safeguards should be built in to the process so that the need factor and the environmental impact are taken into account ?
10 A Jim Magilton penalty made it 3-1 although Lee Clark pulled Newcastle to 3-2 .
11 We will repeal the 1981 Nationality Act , reform immigration legislation to make it free from racial discrimination and restore the right of entry to British passport holders .
12 The Housing and Town Planning Act made it obligatory for local authorities to prepare surveys of their housing needs , to draw up plans to deal with them , and to carry out their schemes .
13 We will undertake reform of the teacher training system to make it more effective in developing classroom skills .
14 When a community language teacher makes her or himself available to parents , especially in times of crisis , greater support and recognition can be gained , and the traditional mistrust of secondary schools on the part of parents , particularly working class parents can be eroded .
15 To supplement , strengthen or , as some think , to contradict the legislation of 1986 , the 1988 Education Reform Act made it possible for parents directly to intervene in their children 's schooling through a complaints procedure ( Maclure 1989:22 — 3 ) : In terms of a market ideology , this gives the consumers ( i.e. the parents , who throughout the Act are seen as surrogate consumers for their sons and daughters ) a chance to act if they believe there is a failure to deliver the curriculum to which they are , by law , entitled .
16 The Riding Establishment Act makes it compulsory for riding schools to hold a licence which is issued after annual inspections .
17 HOLME PIERREPONT NATIONAL WATER SPORTS CENTRE is set in a beautiful country park and the Olympic Standard water sports course makes it an important venue for international canoeing , slalom and rowing events .
18 can you ever control the service charge component to make it level with inflation as opposed to the management charges ?
19 Essentially , this is a consumer protection device making it a criminal offence to sell , by way of competitive bidding , prescribed articles listed in s3(2) : … any plate , plated articles , linen , china , glass , books , pictures , prints , furniture , jewellery , articles of household or personal use , or ornament or any musical or scientific instrument or apparatus .
20 We consider that this PABA-UDCA disulphate incubation test makes it possible to express the severity of bacterial peritonitis quantitatively within 90 minutes .
21 It was a goal Wednesday had threatened almost from the point when United took the lead on the hour through Adrian Littlejohn , who touched in a Brian Deane header to make it four goals in nine League games .
22 Paul 's verdict : ease of use and good performance in sheltered conditions are this stove 's good points — and the propane/butane fuel mix makes it suitable for colder seasons .
23 They were actuated by entirely unselfish motives and their training in trade union work made them invaluable in the most important work — picketing at the entrances to the docks " .
24 lord justice beldam made it clear in this case that the insurer had made it clear they would indemnify the defendant .
25 Like Lotus 1-2-3 and SuperCalc , Quattro Pro 's printer support is very good — although having to tell all these programs individually that I had an HP LaserJet IIIsi made me realize how easy it is telling Windows just the once for all your applications .
26 Merseyside has a weary scepticism about grand planning gestures , but Broome 's Alton Towers vision makes him impossible to ignore .
27 In April a report issued by the US State Department made it clear that the USA also did not intend to rejoin the organization , citing as one of its reasons the organization 's lack of budgetary restraint [ see p. 37888 ]
28 The GXA Gaintec S3 graphics accelerator card makes it a good Windows workhorse .
29 By A.D. 200 , the Church historian Tertullian makes it clear that there is some kind of well-established Christian community in Britain — not only in Romanised England , but also in regions ‘ unapproachable to the Romans ’ .
30 Sir Clive Wigram 's memorandum of the Buckingham Palace Conference makes it clear that the National Government was formed on quite specific conditions .
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