Example sentences of "[noun] [unc] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Too run-down and curiously situated to appeal to most families , it had stood empty for several years before Frankie 's parents made it their home .
2 One casualty of the war was the British Deaf & Dumb Association 's plans to celebrate its Jubilee year in 1940 .
3 A touch of restraint on his horse 's reins to reduce its gallop and an extravagant sign of the cross were the best amends he could make this time for his inability to comply .
4 Neil 's origins made his presence in the East End even stranger — and he had the impertinence to quiz her for her presence , when his own was just as odd .
5 But Mr Arafat 's critics accuse him of acting like a dictator by forcing his wishes on the Palestinian movement .
6 The birds on Fardine 's shoulders manoeuvred their way down to the edge of the can where they sat on its rim , greedily pecking at the grains .
7 CONNOISSEURS of the bizarre will recall the night Sheffield Wednesday players spent on wintry moorland , one of their ex-commando trainer 's ploys to get them out of the Third Division .
8 The shock of hearing such an expression in the accents of Hollywood gangsterese come from Antony 's lips pulled her up sharply .
9 Solar energy is converted by cells on the Solar Car 's flanks to drive its electric motor and recharge its back-up batteries .
10 Tiguary 's men recognised his value from the chased silver on his powder horn and on the barrel of his gun , and the gleaming gold gimp on his velvet breeches .
11 The reaction of the CPSU to Gorbachev 's reforms highlighted its weaknesses .
12 Then Fif 's mandroids pushed their way through , and in the melee I managed to scuttle on hands and knees among all the legs before getting up and getting myself and my aching face away from there .
13 Armoured Hearthwares with red sashes belting their middles laboured on to the battlements with the defender 's weapons pounding them like smith 's hammers on an anvil .
14 His one chance came just before half-time when a defender 's shins blocked his shot .
15 The editor of the Church of England Newspaper remarked that the overzealousness of Ramsey 's friends did him a disservice by making him the representative of an intolerant school of thought and by inflating his reputation beyond what his record would endorse .
16 The facts speak otherwise — first because Mr Lee is no longer exempted from attacks by his own Kuomintang colleagues ; second because the students and the opposition , which won 40% of the vote in December 's legislative and local elections , have forced Taiwan 's rulers to seek their advice in mapping the island 's future .
17 Dr Jaffery 's nieces begged him to tell us one of his Mullah Nasir-ud-Din stories and eventually he obliged .
18 Koons 's admirers compare him to Salvador Dali .
19 PAKISTAN 'S batsmen hit their way out of a recent slump with a blazing performance against Queensland at the Gabba in Brisbane yesterday .
20 But if Labour 's leaders misplayed their hand in the last week , Paddy Ashdown 's behaviour was more damaging by far .
21 Bragad 's men hold it , and all in it ; his ‘ Wares must have come over the ramparts in the night . ’
22 The spontaneity of metaphoric innovation in the speech of the professor 's children leads her to the revelation that words once thought of as ‘ the bare bones of language ’ are actually alive with flesh .
23 Edward 's parents sent their condolences , attended the ceremony at chapel and graveside , and Mrs Thomas visited the widow .
24 Turbosoft 's proprietors left their trading premises and home address on 14 February , leaving no indication of where they could be contacted .
25 Bede 's methods led him to give 680 for a year he would otherwise have thought of as 679 .
26 I was going to tell you earlier , but somehow Ewen 's misdeeds threw us off track — I 'll be in Cambridge next term .
27 Ignoring the paladin 's complaints , Cleo kicked Contralto 's flanks to make him trot , and presently they came to a place where the path widened .
28 Several of Arkan 's soldiers jostled us on to the street and having made their fists and revolvers known to us , said : ‘ Arkan is the police here .
29 Leontief ( 1936 ) was the first of Keynes 's critics to attack what he perceived to be a theory of labour supply grounded in irrational behaviour by workers .
30 When one of Ken 's friends told her he had just bought a new television set — a 17-inch console — she commented : ‘ Seventeen inches ?
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