Example sentences of "[noun] [unc] and [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Next consider a unit step function delayed by some time as depicted in figure 11.5(a) and denote it by .
2 Julia sat down in the chair next to David 's and let him pour her a cup of cooling tea .
3 He 'd had no wish to wake the seal 's and drive them away .
4 its going to come round at you in a minute , so I 'll talk about it until it gets to you , erm , it delighted my children this particular painting , erm and I decided to put my sort of analytical approach to one side erm and do something with that later , so this poem is from my , my children 's point of view and one of the things that are very interested , they were really worried , that , erm , I think it marks the height of the table and the fact that the puppies might fall off and do themselves some harm , that , I 'll read it while its going round and then I can see then , that , so this is , ok , from my children 's point of view this poem , its called Threes , Table laid and waiting , milk place in bowl not to high , they lap and swirl , played and roll , paws distance from knocking and breaking goblet , made from clay .
5 Go on , get yourself over to May 's and meet her company , whoever they are .
6 Did she take it with her when she went to the rubbish skip or dash to a stationer 's and buy it ?
7 He was poised to carve up Chester 's and collect his profits without a backward glance … he was bad news …
8 So I said I did n't want to deal through somebody who was n't really gon na be fighting in our corner , and I 'd rather put a paper to their committee an and tell them where the problems were , and ask how they were gon na get round them .
9 ‘ Jaysus is n't that great , if you were six years older I 'd take you into Shea 's and put you up on my knee and buy you a gin and it . ’
10 Gigia is prepared to escort Oreste and even to collect him from your sister 's and take him to Liverpool from where she sails for Leghorn by way of Marseilles .
11 You had to go to go to Miss 's and have it do it there , borrow her copper , and wringer .
12 ‘ Yous 'll wake up one of these mornin 's and find yerself gassed to death , ’ he yelled .
13 They should be doing that work , if they 're asking us to design a remit , price it and then they 're using that remit to get prices from other people , er I would suggest that , that we perhaps ought to have words with our clients on that basis a and say we 're quite happy to tender in competition but erm i you ought to give it a little bit of thought before you actually put the thing .
14 Three weeks later , on the day I became Prime Minister , my first impulse was to sit down in the study which had been Harold 's and write him a letter of appreciation and grateful thanks .
15 ‘ Go up West to Mickey 's and tell him what's.happened .
16 I actually invited him when I was Director of the British Film Academy to come to London erm and with the help erm of Brian Coe of Kodak we actually reconstructed about thirty seconds of this two-colour process erm and put it on a screen for our filmmaker colleagues in London .
17 The , the government and I 'm sure that er the inland revenue are always anxious to make sure that tax payers are properly informed of their rights er and receive their correct entitlement and I have no doubt that every effort will be made to achieve what my honourable friend seeks .
18 Yeah , but the thing is i we can get the steel er and make them up but we do n't have to put them on till later .
19 Sergeant , first thing in the morning , you exercise your limbs round at Connon 's and see what you 're like at climbing trees .
20 Cut a piece of felt into two pieces 2cms x 2cms and glue one on top of the other on the back of the bear 's head ( Fig 3 ) .
21 ‘ Would you like to come with me to Albert 's and see his Mum ? ’
22 And she 'd to go to , to get her into the pony and cart and get her away to the doctor 's and get it stitched and , oh boy .
23 If your employee is not entitled to SMP , you need to complete form SMP1 and give it to her together with any maternity certificate which she may have given you .
24 Secretly , I buy some scales from Woolworth 's and hide them in my room .
25 Why do n't we just go to Keith 's and let him do something ?
26 Instead he was confronted by the tall , dark man whose hand was extended ready to clamp on to the sergeant 's and give it a hearty shake as if he were an old friend .
27 In this case , fill in a Changeover form SSP1 and send it to your employee .
28 Fill in the Changeover form SSP1 and send it to your employee without delay .
29 If your employee is still sick when you have to stop paying SSP , fill in the Changeover form SSP1 and send it to your employee without delay .
30 If this shows that no SSP is due , fill in the Changeover form SSP1 and send it to your employee .
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