Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] bring [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This year 's pantomime should bring in the family audience , which is what we always aim for at pantomime time . ’
2 It 's perhaps fitting that the Services and Communication Department should bring up the rear in this group of presentations , because one of its key priorities is to provide a coherent professional support service to the organisation as a whole .
3 Well the other thing is they could use , I mean , Monotype should bring out the whole .
4 The Home Secretary , Sir Samuel Hoare , noted that any influx of refugees from the continent might bring together the political extremes — the fascists who had been attacking the Jews for three years and the communists and other left-wing elements who might argue that Jewish refugees were taking away Gentile employment .
5 Each state was required to submit a state implementation plan ( SIP ) indicating how its control programme would bring about the attainment of the NAAQSs by 1975 .
6 Having devised the SIP , the state had to present monitoring and modelling data indicating that its control programme would bring about the attainment of the primary NAAQSs .
7 Two Irish goals would bring up the century in Charlton 's seven-year reign , during which he has lost only nine of 69 full internationals .
8 The government 's crusade against that ( often Tory ) opposition will bring forward the day when Britain can confidently return to ’ go ’ .
9 Only torture will bring out the truth . ’
10 Moreover , because depression , inflation , or other economic distress can bring down a government , and because jobs , prices , production , the standard of living , and the economic security of everyone , all tend to rest on the performance of business , politicians and administrators alike have to regard business as more than just another interest group .
11 He said he had taken Kurlovich to Barcelona aware of the positive test and fearful disclosure might bring on a dope scandal similar to the Bulgarian one which shook the 1988 Games .
12 Not , of course , that he abandoned that amiable judgment , assumed in A New View , of unspoiled human nature , nor that unshakeable conviction that co-operative communities would bring out the best in it .
13 Barclays , National Westminster and Royal Bank of Scotland will bring in the new cheques ‘ at some point ’ .
14 Or a cat will bring home a live mouse to teach her kittens how to catch it .
15 The passenger-carrying airline pilot , the scientist operating the nuclear reactor , the chemist in charge of research into the possible effects of , for example , Thalidomide , the driver of the Manchester to London express , the driver of an articulated lorry full of sulphuric acid , are all in a position in which one failure to maintain the proper standard of professional skill can bring about a major disaster .
16 Even if , to the youth , ‘ living was more important than education ’ , engaging in competitive sport can bring home the new realization that achieving results in education can be important to living .
17 For many people , the mere fact of entering a Home can bring on a bout of incontinence .
18 The government in turn stated that the RPF must bring about an atmosphere conducive to negotiations by abandoning its armed struggle .
19 The support of business could bring about a review of 16–19 education with the intention of integration of the pre-vocational and applied together with the academic curriculum .
20 WAYNE SHELFORD puts the case for the capped élite being involved in non-Championship weekends and argues that league games on international days would bring out the best in clubs .
21 Some economists predicted that such capital transfers would bring about the collapse of the international monetary system along with the Western world 's bankruptcy and demise .
22 And there was little hope that government intervention would bring about a more flexible cinema industry .
23 Just as the early European explorers of the North Atlantic would bring back the tusks of narwhals and pass them off as the horns of unicorns , so would the early Arabian and Indian sailors bring back the massive bones of the Cassowary as evidence of the giant " roc " of the Sinbad sagas , or the Garuda bird of Hindu mythology , which is today the symbol of Indonesia 's national airline .
24 Twice more , on 24 February and 21 March 1943 , Hitler repeated his threat that the war would bring about the extermination of Jewry , and came back to it again in one final reference — which produced ‘ lively applause ’ — during an address to generals and officers at Berchtesgaden on 26 May 1944 .
25 The conference will bring together a number of authorities in various aspects of chemistry , agriculture and the environment .
26 The poll tax will bring about a significant redistribution of income between different households and individuals within those households .
27 To that end this meeting will bring together the most prominent scholars in the field to set the agenda for the future direction of cultural studies .
28 It has launched a five-year action plan to revitalise the River Esk and hopes the move will bring about the return of the river 's salmon fishery .
29 The move will bring together the world class environmental consultancy and technical services of the two organisations , and will create a National Environmental Technology Centre ( NETC ) within AEA .
30 Therefore monetarists have resorted to the claim that governments can exert control over the money stock if they are determined enough , and in so doing will bring about the desired effect on money incomes and prices .
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