Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [not/n't] be in " in BNC.

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1 And father we pray that our hope may not be in vain but may lead us to sharing again in your kingdom .
2 MARTIN COWAN , 48 , is a musical instrument technology student who is well aware that his own particular skills may not be in demand when he finishes his training .
3 Even though your settlement may not be in a known danger area , no one can be sure .
4 Well , that last statement is not exactly true as I agree with the sentiments of those who have argued that the Exile clubs should not be in the Courage Leagues , which are meant to be for English players .
5 Reassignment should not be in itself a cause of discrimination .
6 I do nt think anyone would argue that Strach should nt be in the first team .
7 Labour may not be in the business of re-connecting with the past , but its attachment to the future is still confused .
8 A patient who believes his delusional thinking may not be in a position to give an informed refusal of medication , because he does not believe he is ill .
9 Because one of President Nicolae Ceausescu 's many titles is that of chairman of the National Defence Council , and his brother , General Ilie Ceausescu , is head of political administration for the forces , the loyalty of the high command may not be in doubt , but morale in the ranks is low .
10 As any primary key will be a candidate key , all relations in BCNF will satisfy the rules of third normal form , but relations in TNF may not be in BCNF .
11 Also even after quoting for certain deliveries , that carrier may not be in a position to do the haulage just when required .
12 This thinking should not be in abstraction but in writing .
13 At the time that Offline initiates the offline workload , this Operator Terminal must not be in use by any other process .
14 This absolute privilege is founded on the principle that it is advantageous for the public interest that the citizen should not be in any way fettered in his statements , and where the public service or due administration of justice is involved he shall have the right to speak his mind freely …
15 Charles was about to ask about the subterfuge of the full petrol tank , but decided that Detective-Sergeant McWhirter might not be in possession of all the relevant facts for that deduction .
16 And thereupon their Majestyes were pleased that the said lords spirituall and temporall and commons being the two Houses of Parlyament should continue to sitt and with their Majesty 's Roy all concurrence make effectuall provision for the settlement of the religion lawes and liberties of this king dome soe that the same for the future might not be in danger againe of being subverted , to which the said lords spirituall and temporall and commons did agree and proceede to act accordingly .
17 Mayor Donlevy would n't be in his office at this hour , but the files should be there .
18 This ensures that anyone touching any wiring on the output side of the mains transformer will not be in contact with the mains wiring , and that ( providing the secondary is a low voltage winding ) they can not receive a severe electric shock .
19 ‘ We have looked at the situation carefully , ’ a spokeswoman said , ‘ and we are confident that our clients will not be in any danger . ’
20 ( b ) Notwithstanding paragraphs ( 2 ) and ( 5 ) ( a ) of this rule , a registered foreign lawyer will not be in breach of these rules by virtue of setting up , operating , actively participating in or controlling a business outside England and Wales , provided :
21 The following Sunday Pat Muldoon stood in what had formerly been his local church at Gross Pointe , Michigan , and sang to the heavens , ‘ If I can help somebody , as I go along , then my living will not be in vain … . ’ without paying the slightest attention to the meaning of the words .
22 He said : ‘ If Flashman does n't get out , then I have no doubt the club will not be in existence this time next year . ‘
23 There 's no wind and a boat can not be in danger .
24 Similarly , the universe may not be in the state defined by a sum over nonsingular histories , but it is the only state in which science could predict how the universe should be .
25 Summary dismissal may not be in breach of contract ( ie you will be unlikely to succeed if you sue for pay for your notice period ) and yet still unfair if your employer behaves unreasonably by , for example :
26 A second , but equally fundamental , principle is that people 's lives should not be in forfeit because of the ideas they choose to express .
27 ‘ Firstly , the child should not be in the forest at this time .
28 for this reason , pre-ordering of relations ( strictly , tuples need not be in any pre-defined order in the relational model ) and the use of indexes to increase speeds of particular accesses , are both options in many DBMS to improve their overall performance .
29 Also note that under this.section the constable need not be in uniform compared with section 163 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 which deals with the general power to stop vehicles .
30 A constable need not be in uniform when he effects the arrest ( and calls for the defendant to desist as a preliminary ) , although if an off-duty policeman does attempt to implement the Act , strict conditions should be observed as to what he must do and say to make it plain that he is a constable .
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