Example sentences of "[noun] [be] given [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The young people who come into care are drawn almost exclusively from the ranks of the poor and disadvantaged and though many reasons are given for the move , frequently it is the inability of the family to cope with illness , bereavement , divorce or remarriage .
2 All sorts of reasons are given for the lack of enthusiasm in schools for physical science and technology , but never that which might be the fundamental one .
3 It is to be recommended that full reasons are given to the third party solicitor .
4 The enforcement of Amhara supremacy over other nationalities and the absence of a democratic machinery for instituting change are given as the main reasons why the Tigray People 's Liberation Front ( TPLF ) started an armed struggle in 1975 .
5 Useful definitions are given by the Oxford English Dictionary .
6 Some typical errors and boobytraps are given on the following pages .
7 Profiles are given in the standard format and include all the characteristic values .
8 Profiles are given in the standard format and include all the characteristic values .
9 Profiles are given in the standard format and include all the characteristic values .
10 The displacement values are given by the two corresponding coordinate variations generated by the rotation of the circular cam on PARTA .
11 The powers for compulsory removal are given under the National Assistance Act ( 1948 ) , S.47 .
12 The equipotential surfaces are given by the equation
13 This is best explained by referring again to the character lattice from chapter 1 ( fig 4.8 ) where the ranks are given beneath the character candidates .
14 No guidelines are given for the interpretation of s8 except that the term to be included must have been a fair and reasonable one having regard to the circumstances which were , or ought reasonably to have been , known to or in the contemplation of , the parties when the contract was made ( s11(1) ) .
15 The treatment intervals before radiotherapy are given for the patients who were followed up for three months or more while undergoing laser treatment .
16 The fieldwork is conducted monthly on a quota sample of two thousand individuals selected to be representative of the adult population of Great Britain ; more details about opinion polling companies and their methods are given in the appendix to this chapter .
17 The cumulative runtimes from the beginning of the movie are given at the right hand edge of the page .
18 Addresses are given at the end of the prospectus .
19 Contact should be established in the first instance through the Schools Liaison Officer or the Faculty of Science and Engineering whose addresses are given at the back of this prospectus .
20 If you would like further information , contact the nearest Local Education Representative or your Higher Education Liaison Officer whose names and addresses are given on the insert .
21 Addresses are given in the ‘ Useful Addresses ’ section of this prospectus ( p 270 ) .
22 To obtain one of these , or further advice about admission standards , please contact the Schools Liaison Service or relevant faculty office ( addresses are given in the section ‘ For Further Information ’ ) .
23 Fleeting glimpses are given of the Roulette team from Australia , Team 60 from Sweden and Esquadrilha da Fumaca from Brazil .
24 Regular choral and orchestral performances are given by the Edinburgh University Musical Society ( EUMS ) .
25 Many of his speeches are given in the quiet , confidential way he might explain his predicament in the pub .
26 These data are given for the post-war period in Figure 2.1 .
27 Eurotunnel , which is already in default of its credit agreement with the banks , has in effect been given until the end of the year to settle its differences with the contractors to permit ‘ a viable financing strategy to be put in place ’ .
28 During negotiations , Newco should try to avoid any general qualification that the warranties are given to the best of the vendors ' knowledge , as this could be interpreted to the effect that a vendor giving a warranty subject to this qualification has relied on the information given to him by management , and again distances the vendor from the risk .
29 Contradictory signals were given by the military in the aftermath of the demonstrations .
30 And , speaking just hours before the Budget , he warned that confusion in the signals being given by the Chancellor in his handling of economic policy would damage the ‘ fragile confidence ’ now emerging .
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