Example sentences of "[noun] [be] made be [conj] " in BNC.

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1 When it is said that the continuation of the sterling area was an ‘ implicit ’ decision ( in sharp contrast to the debates on overseas expenditure ) the point being made is that this continuation was not the result , it would seem , of any debate within the Attlee government .
2 We are , of course , assuming that we are using an ideal switch which does n't exist in real life , but the point being made is that a switching system will be a lot more efficient than any resistive control element where dissipation is invariably relatively large .
3 The point being made is that although it is ultimately envisaged that the EC will be similar to the USA with each member country being akin to a state and it even being billed as the ‘ United States of Europe ’ , is it a reality when one considers differences in attitude , culture , language and even religion ?
4 I did actually quote about one of the youngsters yesterday making the point about you know , it 's all on television , there 's too much of it , I mean it was n't actually quite as blatant a comment as that , the point is made was while it 's on every channel , all the time
5 The usual process by which the contract is made is as follows .
6 The consequences of an administration order being made are as follows :
7 Thus , it may be that the only undertaking being made is that the sample was honestly and properly taken from the bulk , as was the case in Gardiner v Gray ( 1815 ) 4 Camp 144 .
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