Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By the first year of secondary school , most Caribbean children in areas of reasonably high Caribbean settlement are speaking it to some extent at least .
2 Said Professor Hoskins of the University of Reading : " We know that human activities are doing something to the system but computer models are too crude at present to predict what will happen . "
3 Hereford are suffering something of a flu epedemic at the moment .
4 Hereford are staging something of a mini revival this year inching their way out of the gloom at the bottom of division three .
5 Mr Gordon accused GFP of being ‘ fundamentalists ’ about roads and said : ‘ It is a myth that other cities are spending nothing on roads .
6 Xhibition — the X-Windows show — calendared for June 15th to 19th in San Jose , California , is expecting to fetch more than 100 exhibitors : Mircosoft Corp and DEC are citing it as one of the key technical conferences to explore NT and ACE applications development .
7 ‘ And which of those , ’ said McGee , who clearly had a relationship with her , ‘ would you think the Bishop and the Canon and the Dean and the Archdeacon are pleasuring themselves with ? ’
8 AS the curtain comes down on Courage League rugby for 1992 , the game 's elite are gearing themselves for the biggest dog-fight since the competition 's inception six years ago .
9 I thought he would , he deserves it and suddenly the semi-circle is clapping and looking at me : ‘ She 's won , she 's a-a-a won , ’ I hear John shout from half-way up the stalls , and my fellow contestants are slapping me on the back and pushing me to the front of the stage ,
10 ‘ The Bosnian Serbs are using humanitarian aid as a military weapon and the Bosnian government and Croatian groups are using it as a political weapon . ’
11 Meanwhile , back at the ivory tower , lobby groups are busying themselves with the legal questions while waiting to get the big question answered ( i.e. why do people do it ? ) .
12 The car 's manufacturers are taking it on the chin .
13 The car 's manufacturers are taking it on the chin .
14 avoid doing it because the revenue are checking one in twenty cases , and if you 've got a partner who 's likely to pay , not to pay tax , that 's fine , if they are likely to roll over into tax , then do n't use an R eighty five .
15 Even as the guards are ushering them into the corridor , the carriage rolls into an immense echoing workshop .
16 Cars are killing us with pollution and accidents .
17 Les Routiers are offering it to BBC Good Food readers at a special price of £6.99 ( including p&p ) .
18 Those educationalists who deny children these opportunities are confining them to the ghetto , to a restricted discourse which will close to them access not only to the professions but also to leadership in national politics .
19 Various bodies in Manufacturing Industry are working themselves into one of their regular lathers about the supposed low social esteem bestowed upon engineers and engineering .
20 BRITISH insurers are bracing themselves for claims totalling hundred of millions of pounds from the storm-battered U.S.
21 The companies who thought they were buying themselves employees to stack their shelves or deliver mail are getting nothing of the sort .
22 DJs are whipping them into a frenzy of anticipation from a stage perched above the masses .
23 They had demolished Leeds in such a pyschologically damaging fashion on Saturday at Maine Road that Howard Wilkinson 's side were steeling themselves for disappointment .
24 In these pre-Cubist paintings of 1907 and 1908 it is as if Picasso were preparing himself for the difficulties involved in creating a new style by taking stock afresh of some of the basic problems inherent in all painting since the invention of illusionistic perspective .
25 The initial record of all food and drink consumed for a week helped us to see if our clients were depriving themselves of food for long periods and if they were eating balanced meals .
26 I thought that if FAKINTIL were confining themselves to bringing the mast down , then they would be just escaping now , shooting their way out of town .
27 By the end of the tour kids were throwing themselves at the stage like little ‘ kamikazis ’ .
28 Hurst 's voice had risen a little , but he dropped it again as he realized that several pairs of eyes were watching them with interest .
29 The dark eyes were raking her from head to toe , appraising her — from the long , tousled russet hair to the bare feet protruding from beneath the hem of her wrap .
30 She glared up , aware of the slight change in his tone , and saw that his eyes were scouring hers with a strange kind of intensity .
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