Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [vb pp] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Health authorities are advised that introduction of new screening programmes requires ethical research committee consent .
2 Small schemes were created in the 1970s as a result of an Inland Revenue concession but once these government proposals are enacted that concession will become history .
3 Below : A dying practice — as harvest gets under way growers are reminded that straw-burning now has the force of the law against it .
4 In fact the select committee report identified Liverpool Bay as a prime example of a sour gas project , and therefore LASMO is encouraged that approval will be granted to allow this development to proceed .
5 ‘ unless a defendant is assured that information given in response to an order for disclosure can not and thus will not be used as evidence at his trial for the offences charged , he may well be entitled to refuse to supply the information on the ground that it would tend to incriminate him .
6 And , as I have already mentioned , it is not altogether necessary , if your mind is constructed that way , actually to visit your chosen locale .
7 Cocaine was reborn that way .
8 Wembley 's West side was shut that night while the Royal Box side was boosted by schools and stadium staff on free tickets .
9 Erm , it 's recommended that County Council be informed that Borough supports in principle the construction of the access road .
10 And altogether , thirteen prisoners-of-war were recaptured that day .
11 Students using the libraries are advised that examination papers can not be borrowed or photocopies but there are sets available for consultation .
12 Most psychologists are agreed that recognition and approval can be powerful motivators .
13 Applicants are reminded that registration is required by a foreign lawyer who is :
14 If they would not or could not , at the request of a Government sympathetic to them and their aspirations , give sufficient support to the economic policy advocated by that Government in the general interest , it could not with confidence be supposed that trade union representatives on the boards of companies would give sufficient support to the policies of those companies .
15 The car did not normally carry passengers , but its seats were used that season by a small orchestra which played selections from ‘ The Gondoliers ’ as it made its romantic way along the Promenade .
16 It was agreed that the face of the medal should show the head of Coleman , and the first awards were made that year .
17 But the keyboard socket should only be near the front if the motherboard is designed that way .
18 In Chapter 2 the point was made that privatisation can mean reduced government provision , reduced government finance and reduced government regulation , and that reduced government provision and finance usually means the transfer of responsibilities to non-statutory agencies .
19 The body was discovered that night .
20 The coroner was told that blood alcohol tests after the accident showed Richard had been one and a half times over the legal drink drive limit .
21 There was nothing to suggest that had the evidence been excluded that result would necessarily have been the same .
22 Fears were revived that VAT will be lifted to 22 per cent .
23 The UFC 1989 Review 225 admitted that the numerical totals of publications were not found to be helpful in the assessment process , and their panels were agreed that quantity did not equal quality .
24 The UFC 1989 Review admitted that the numerical totals of publications were not found to be helpful in the assessment process , and their panels were agreed that quantity did not equal quality .
25 Although most socialist writers were agreed that crime resulted from the misery , exploitation , greed and selfishness promoted by the private property relationships of capitalism , they were rather less agreed on the status of the criminal .
26 Mitigation can be provided for the defendant if evidence is given that bits of string or sticky tape showed where ‘ L ’ plates had been fitted .
27 At Christmas 1910 , the committee gave permission for the women to go out to the pantomime at the kind invitation of a lady of the town , and — possibly put off by some unrecorded experiences in the previous year — they recommended that no eggs be pickled that season .
28 Stephen Davison disappeared more than a year ago , and the court was told that part of his body was later found in a lake .
29 A civil rights bill went before Congress ; it was still under debate when Kennedy was assassinated that November .
30 There was an immediate inquiry at which evidence was given that Hunt had been running when the race was stopped , but not really racing .
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