Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [adv] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 It is a long-established fallacy that both the cuvée and the taille are officially divided into three : the first , second and third cuvées and the first , second and third tailles .
2 If you can liken works of art to the prisoners in Fidelio , such precious prisoners are now emerging into a Romanian sunlight after years of political imprisonment in attics , cellars or under floorboards .
3 Everyone experiences altered psychological states , but usually these states are tightly integrated into one ‘ self ’ .
4 Current models of reading development assert that the child 's phonological knowledge and skills are only brought into play after an initial visual stage , and are involved in conscious decoding from print to sound .
5 These strategies are now incorporated into weapons design in the form of ‘ logic bombs ’ — computer viruses built into weapons systems sold for export , which are programmed to go off when targeted on the system 's country of origin .
6 Many cases are likewise brought into court , where , on account of the trivial nature of the offence imputed , or the deficiency of proof adduced , prosecutions are undesirable …
7 One training method will be based on a model of writing according to which pre-conceived meanings are simply translated into words and sentences and transferred to paper .
8 The Dutch government has now asked the Arts Council to allocate funds and the 300 or so galleries are now grouped into two categories .
9 The old loft and building are now incorporated into the inn .
10 Resistance to flow in polymer systems is even greater , because now the molecules are covalently bonded into long chains which are coiled and entangled and translational motion must , of necessity , be a co-operative process .
11 A proportion of H 2 O molecules are always decomposed into hydrogen ions ( H + ; ) and hydroxyl ions ( OH- ) ( a state known as dissociation ) , the concentration of H + ; ions being expressed as pH .
12 Albeit subject to much abuse and neglect since 1947 when India became independent , literally hundreds of DWEC products are regularly summoned into service throughout the whole of what is now Bangladesh .
13 Santa Cruz 's server products are now divided into three offerings .
14 SCO 's server products are now divided into three offerings .
15 Birds are invariably brought into the equation by the army .
16 Once prepared for export , consignments of birds are often packed into substandard crates for days on end without adequate food and water .
17 Around 1.5 million birds are currently imported into the EC every year to satisfy the demands for exotic caged pets .
18 ‘ Sir , ’ they say , ‘ thank God there is someone … restored my faith in human nature … performed a signal service … struck a blow for common sense and ordinary human decency … exposed the hypocrisy of those who for our sins are set in authority over us … expressed what the vast majority of people fed … spoken up for the minority whose views are never taken into account … ’
19 These 2000 most frequent word groups are then arranged into four ‘ sluices ’ so that Sluice 1 contains the most frequent 500 words , Sluice 2 the next most frequent 500 words , and so on .
20 Their expertise lies in enabling others and others to take advantage of arts facilities and helping them erm or working with them to produce the things that happen , for example all the erm posters which were up during last years festival erm were produced in conjunction with community arts which erm has erm er produced on Ditchfern Place , erm and earlier this morning I was thinking that up as I think other councillors did , that more serious of projects which community arts are now entering into er in Chesterton in particularly in the children erm I think councillors went to Dickfield women 's photograph project and it is things like that about giving people confidence to join arts in a way erm with which they might never otherwise have experienced and the community arts have taken just that .
21 The hairs are almost woven into the material , like a kind of mohair .
22 The methods are conveniently grouped into three categories :
23 I wish to ensure that environmental considerations are properly taken into account .
24 We believe these legislative changes are vital to guarantee that environmental considerations are genuinely integrated into the Structural Funds .
25 Throughout the country Cobras are either brought into the villages and fed , or effigies of the animal are anointed and worshipped .
26 Below the surface , other animals are also tuning into water movements .
27 The animals are always chopped into small pieces and further reduced by boiling .
28 Indian journalists are busily burrowing into the business affairs of the prime minister 's family , and there are signs they might find something embarrassing .
29 These many disparate units are then formed into larger regiments as needed .
30 A frightening and under-hand piece of work that must be addressed , since a whole new generation of Pop kids are now getting into ‘ the bobby socks and engine-stripping { Weltsschmertz } of Grease — a musical that came out before The Manic Street Preachers were born .
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