Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [adj] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Cyclists and horse riders are keen to progress with the scheme but there has been some opposition from one particular village .
2 What is required is a divisional risk premium based upon a clear specification of the key strategic factors which will determine how the projected returns for this division are likely to vary with movements in the economy as a whole .
3 Although the immunological rejection processes that occur with organ transplants do not occur with synthetic materials , a complex series of reactions are available to deal with any invading object and biomaterials can be treated in much the same way as invading bacteria , setting up inflammatory processes .
4 This occurs , however , but infrequently in the commercial context , and even innovative common-law courts are reluctant to interfere with commercial bargains .
5 For the population aged 65 + the vast majority are able to cope with outdoor mobility and getting around the house ( see Table 4.8 ) .
6 The procedures adopted for each category of incident are of less interest than the issue of how these patterns are able to coexist with the unexpected nature of much police work .
7 Comparisons of this kind are difficult to make with accuracy over long periods of time ; but the direction and size of the change are beyond doubt .
8 Common safeguards If companies in Europe are to deal across national boundaries , it is important that investors , customers and creditors are able to deal with confidence with enterprises from other member states , whether directly , or through their subsidiaries and agencies .
9 The rigid cases which are supplied with some camcorders are bulky to have with you all the time , and a lighter padded bag with pockets to take small items will probably be more convenient .
10 Bats are able to fly with ease and at speed , avoiding the branches of trees , telegraph wires , other bats , etc. , and can catch insects .
11 Not surprisingly some traders are reluctant to deal with minors on any basis other than that the minor pays cash before taking the goods away .
12 However , Lyngby are ready to part with the Danish international as soon as their interest in the European Cup is over — and following Rangers 2-0 win that is likely to be in 10 days time .
13 " Final " means that the decision is not subject to review , and " binding " means that the parties are obliged to comply with the decision .
14 Indeed , while the parties are anxious to continue with the fighting such steps are unlikely to lead to peace .
15 BONFIRE parties are supposed to go with a bang …
16 Here a deep potential well refers to the situation where electrostatic attractions are large compared with kT [ where k is the Boltzmann constant , and T the temperature ] ( Figure 4A ) .
17 A short period of travel in Mediterranean countries is also part of all these degrees , and funds are available to assist with this .
18 Forty-six shops are vacant compared with 20 two years ago .
19 These crunchy burgers are delicious served with boiled or mashed potatoes , a tomato sauce or tomato ketchup , and seasonal vegetables or salad .
20 Those practices must be brought to an end , and I know that my hon. Friends will strongly support the Government when we say that enough is enough and that if we are to have a compulsory competitive tendering regime , it must be one under which the private and public sectors are able to compete with absolute equality .
21 The results indicate that five- and eight-year-olds are able to cope with all of these cognitive and linguistic demands .
22 Most clients are able to cope with answering the questions since the answers will be a matter of their personal knowledge as a result of residing or using the property they are selling .
23 But even the most optimistic pundits agree that British schools are dismal compared with many rivals abroad .
24 An examination in Professional Practice ( RIBA Part 3 ) , set jointly through the Association of Scottish Schools of Architecture , is taken at the completion of the second period of practical training , and successful candidates are eligible to register with the Architects Registration Council of the United Kingdom , and become full members of the RIBA and/or the RIAS .
25 For , while Léopold Senghor and Houphouet-Boigny were able to communicate with their political colleagues in Paris , they had nevertheless not forgotten how to communicate with their own people .
26 Iran had once seized American hostages , and was an enemy ; but the American hostages at issue in 1985 and 1986 were held in Lebanon by Hizbollah , a fanatical group merely sympathetic to Iran , and Iran 's good offices were necessary to deal with them .
27 And there was still an extraordinary shadow of tiredness on his face , as if his eyes were ready to bruise with exhaustion , he often looked like that .
28 Her skin was as white as milk , her eyes were green flecked with amber , and rather slanted .
29 After a performance in Manchester towards the end of 1989 , Gedge was accosted by a group of fans who told him vehemently that the band 's new songs were poor compared with previous material .
30 All that we do is varied , much is reactive , a good deal is hard to plan with any real consistency .
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