Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [adj] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 ( Infuriatingly , though , the notes are due to appear in a separate volume , which has still not been published , so it is impossible to tell whether the quotation comes from a letter , from conversation or from some unauthenticated report at second-hand . )
2 Yet despite this , many hoteliers are reluctant to invest in sufficient training for their staff . ’
3 Because fewer farm workers ' sons are willing to work in agriculture the contrasts between the traditional and the modern , between the old dependency and the new independence , are imported into the families of those older workers who have remained on the land .
4 A number of different synfuel projects are likely to continue in the US including shale , coal , gas , coal liquids , alcohol and very heavy oil .
5 Beyond the fact that most cases are likely to arise in the context of trade or business it is not apparent why liability should be confined to cases where those activities are interfered with .
6 The practical utility of the rule depends to some extent upon the means that the courts are entitled to employ in order to ascertain what mischief the Act was intended to remedy .
7 Crowds are difficult to count in Prague these days , but the crush was equal only to Wenceslas Square last Monday .
8 Avoid geraniums with double or semi-double flowers as , unlike the single varieties they do n't drop their petals as they fade , and the blooms are prone to rot in wet weather .
9 Social values are difficult to define in a changing , pluralistic , capitalistic society like ours .
10 Unfortunately , only diatomic molecules are easy to study in this way , as larger molecules almost invariably fragment on excitation , but a vast amount of information has been obtained for atoms and diatomic molecules .
11 Pouring loose nodules from a jug into a tray and sticking others into a cubic array with dabs of silicone rubber illustrates that molecules are free to slide in liquids but not in solids , and are about equally close in both .
12 Co-ordination via cartels or single ownership may facilitate better planning when different products are close complements in production .
13 The machines which they order in the good times are apt to arrive in the bad times , when the products can not so easily be sold and when borrowing costs are exceptionally high .
14 The effect of day length on behaviour is mediated hormonally ; the birds are prepared to migrate in the autumn by declining production of sex hormones at the end of the breeding season ; they do not migrate if injected with sex hormones .
15 1.10 It appears that nearly all languages make at least one division in the words of their vocabulary , morphologically or syntactically , or in both ways , between those which commonly do instantiate and those which can not instantiate entities ; the former are traditionally called nouns , and there is a very high degree of intuitive agreement in cross-linguistic identification of nouns precisely because speakers of even widely different cultures are disposed to agree in what they regard as entities rather than properties .
16 Russian groups are keen to play in the West and will be in a position to arrange gigs for your band in Russia if your group can do likewise for them in Ireland .
17 Strawcrete firedoors are unlikely to appear in the near future .
18 These steps are likely to result in many employees ' worries being reduced and their attitudes towards relocation abroad becoming more favourable .
19 The UK office will also support the Benelux countries — French and Scandinavian offices are due to open in the Autumn .
20 The significance of this opposition will be enhanced , I think , if the socialist movements of the future are able to express in a more precise , convincing and spirited way their conceptions of an alternative , viable economy and a new social order on a world scale , as a realistic ideal which can be gradually approached in ever-changing circumstances .
21 Inexperienced fighters are apt to stay in the centre all the time , making it easy for an opponent to strike , as it is nearly akin to hitting a statue .
22 Now that European Community funds are available to assist in that process , what success did our right hon. Friend the Secretary of State have in his dealings with Commissioner Millan over his request for support for the gas and electricity interconnectors from the mainland to Northern Ireland , which would reduce energy costs in the Province ?
23 The patterns of spiral cleavage are hard to understand in functional terms , but one example does , however , have a tantalizing correlation with adult forms .
24 By band-shifting experiments , specific and non-specific competition and DMS interference analysis we demonstrated that , in fact , factor(s) are able to bind in a specific manner to this element ( named here region III ) .
25 Repeated non-availability or failures to show up after agreeing to an engagement are likely to result in a discontinuation of offers of work , and in this sense casual working requires an acceptance of many of the same disciplines as apply to working in a regular fashion .
26 The 45 Warrior armoured fighting vehicles to be used for convoy protection by the Cheshires are due to arrive in Bosnia any day now .
27 It is because primary schools are difficult to classify in any but the most general terms that the phrase ‘ mixed methods ’ is used to describe the practices found in the great majority of them .
28 Through working together the schools are able to buy in expertise and share the costs of producing high quality materials .
29 ‘ ( 1 ) Does Community law affect the conditions under which a member state lays down rules for determining which vessels are entitled to register in that state , to fly its flag and carry its nationality ?
30 ‘ ( 1 ) Does Community law affect the conditions under which a member state lays down rules for determining which vessels are entitled to register in that state , to fly its flag and carry its nationality ?
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