Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It had to be a British car , of course , since Pringle 's did so much business with the local automotive industry — not that Vic has ever driven a foreign car : foreign cars are anathema to him , their sudden invasion of British roads in the 1970s marked the beginning of the region 's economic ruin in his view — but he has to admit that you do n't have a lot of choice in British cars when it comes to matching the top-of-the-range Mercedes and BMWs .
2 That ‘ nose for news ’ which is the prerequisite of every good journalist is part of it .
3 What the hon. Gentleman says about members of the Territorial Army being refused their bounty is news to me , so I should be grateful if he would write to me .
4 INCUBUS is part of it .
5 There is after all , as they say in both Beijing and the KMT , ‘ only one China ’ , and Taiwan is part of it .
6 Always think what the chosen piece is doing for you — after all , the audition is about you , the naked ape , as well as that inner spark of inspiration you may have .
7 The supermarket 's suppliers Gulf Oil , based in Cheltenham , said it was reacting to a local situation and Tesco says the cut is part of it 's service to customers , denying it 's creating an artificially low price .
8 However , to Claudia , Dana was part of her — together they formed a whole that few sisters could hope to achieve .
9 Grasmere was paradise to him and he settled here for several years at Dove cottage ( which is open to the public ) .
10 Gardens are work for me , not leisure . ’
11 Such interventions into men 's lives are proof to me that He has not abandoned Southern Africa .
12 Normally lies and deceit were anathema to her , and she was angry and rueful that since meeting him she had twice allowed circumstances to trap her into using them .
13 The test is part of it all . ’
14 Jimmy Shawn was askin' for you . ’
15 With the draw being kind to them , Glasgow Western , Britain 's most successful side in Europe , have a realistic chance of securing a medal for the fifth successive time .
16 The cult of classicism and the ancient world is , of course , central to an understanding of Lorenzo , but far from remaining a theoretical and private interest , as was generally thought until recently , prestigious architectural commissions were part of his clearly defined political programme .
17 However , with all these reservations and qualifications noted there is a city called Tyneside and in 1989 North Shields is part of it as it always has been and Cramlington is as it has been since the early 1970s .
18 This record is chocka with them .
19 The ugly grinding sound was anathema to him .
20 Even this new threat of jail was part of it .
21 And the General was part of it .
22 The blaze of lights in the evening was part of it , and the singing and shivering the rails made .
23 The afternoon performance would be crowded , and Paul did not go ; waiting till Monday evening was torment to him , but he contrived it .
24 I 'll put these on for erm I bet erm Bryant was sort of he was n't feeling he 's hard done by and i in fact he , you know went
25 Nor should News on Sunday be part of it .
26 Although they did n't actually mention it , he said , he began to realise they were looking for suggestions that rituals had taken place , that he and his wife were part of it , and that their children were victims .
27 British Waterways fisheries officer John Ellis said : ‘ The pollution is news to me .
28 Thomas Knowlton ( 1691–1781 ) , a gardener employed first by William Sherard and then by the Earl of Burlington , wrote to Samuel Brewer in 1741 , ‘ as to Miller he does not look at poor men , only a lord or a duke is company for him ’ .
29 Could it possibly be that his knowledge is power over you ?
30 So people were sort of you know , exonerated if you like , from their involvement in it .
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