Example sentences of "[noun] [be] use as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Essences are used as a periodic treatment ; either once a week or daily for two weeks with a three to four week interval before resuming again .
2 Most improtant is that homeworkers are easily disposed of ‘ Outworkers are used as a buffer against market fluctuations , particularly in the manufacturing sectors ’ said the Employment Gazette blandly .
3 Here the conifers are used as a nurse crop and are progressively being removed to reveal an extensive beech forest .
4 Hillman has graphically shown what will result when these data are used as the basis for planning , as in the case of recent DoE advice to local authorities on planning for shopping provision .
5 Can a row about the endless Saturday afternoons he now spends bent over the bonnet of his old car be used as a vehicle for their underlying struggle ?
6 Yet the interest lies in seeing the distinction between direct and precatory words being used as a test .
7 However , he said yesterday that it was important to distinguish between a crime in which computers were used as a tool , and computer fraud , which involved manipulating or corrupting a mainframe , which was still relatively uncommon .
8 It has also been suggested that requiring recourse to an alternative remedy is used as a way of reducing the number of judicial review cases and the strain on the judicial resources available to hear such cases .
9 Colonic crypt cell proliferation is used as an indicator of risk of colorectal carcinoma .
10 Each card is used as an aid .
11 The hypothetical trader who lacks these needs and characteristics is used as the benchmark for normal market trading .
12 I have used this quite a lot for cardigans for an elderly lady , who was a bit of a traditionalist and would not have tuck stitch , in which the ‘ wrong ’ purl ) side is used as the right side .
13 A fine illustration of how these terms are marked occurs in L'Esquiriel , " The Squirrel " , one of a set of fabliaux , such as Le Damoisselle qui ne pooit oïr parler de foutre or Cele qui fu foutue et desfoutue noted above , in which the markedness or a related ignorance of such words is used as the basis of the drama forming the narrative .
14 So the next investment is used as a hedge to restore balance .
15 Whichever word in the term is used as the main entry point in an index , the user might first seek the subject under the other word in the term .
16 But since 1949 , the Chinese bedroom was used as a furniture store.Pieces of furniture had also been stacked in the family chapel for the past forty years .
17 At St Asaph , a wine-shop was set up in the cathedral and the font was used as a trough for animals .
18 Torture was used as a matter of course and some suspects died or became insane as a result of the methods employed .
19 Football was used as a way of encouraging working people to buy or hire televisions in the 1950s with the slogan ‘ When they are talking about the big match on TV will you have to remain silent ? ’
20 After habituation had occurred , the light was used as a CS signalling the availability of food .
21 At Knossos , there are dedications of offerings to ‘ The Lady of the Labyrinth ’ : ‘ Potnia ’ occurs repeatedly as the main goddess 's name ; later on , in the classical period , the term was used as a respectful , honorific title in addressing women of rank , but it originated as the proper name of the principal Minoan goddess .
22 When chlorine was used as a disinfecting agent , a relatively short exposure to air after a water sample was drawn would render the water acceptable for use .
23 This potential weakness has to be borne in mind when macroeconomic models are used as a basis for policy prescription .
24 There are no Dwarf delvings here , and the rocky uplands are used as a refuge by Chaos warbands , Beastmen , Orcs and marauding Goblins .
25 When the comparative method of land valuation is used problems may sometimes arise where unrealistic transactions are used as a guide or base value , particularly at the point when land values are about to fall , as happened in 1973 .
26 This book is not a text in method and neither will its empirical core be used as a peg for methodological debates .
27 There was no evidence of this , but it is clear that old rivalries were used as an excuse for fights .
28 However , if the controlled clinical trials were used as the ‘ gold standard ’ on which anticoagulation with warfarin was based , it is probable that most older people with AF identified by community screening would not be treated .
29 Sir John Soane 's was the collection of a working architect , and the wonderful variety of objects and works of art in the museum were used as an anthology of antique architecture and decoration as well as a teaching collection .
30 I thought that my conduct , dress , attitude were used as a measure of what the other young women of my family were or later would be allowed to do .
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