Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [prep] [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ Bert Weald 's on twenty pounds a year now , ’ he complained .
32 The first review 's after ten years , then every five years up to the age of sixty five , then annually .
33 Adjustment from low to high cut is in two parts : a simple lever on each side of rear roller alters its height …
34 The initial investment is for ten years .
35 The experimental limit on A given later in Section 11.5 is so that on Earth the acceleration due to the cosmological term is about 10–22 times that due to the gravitational pull of the Sun .
36 Always set rich unless the airfield elevation is above 4,000 feet .
37 The minimum investment was for 100 shares at a price of £1 per share , but , as the initial payment was only 50p per share , members of the public could become shareholders of British Gas for a down-payment as low as £50 .
38 SIR — John Taylor 's result was within 2,500 votes of the record poll achieved in 1987 by the then sitting member in a three-cornered fight .
39 Briefing was at 0445 hours .
40 The cover photograph was of three guys in full army kit — camouflage dress , boots , black berets , black make-up and all waving rifles — jumping off a wooden bridge which appeared to be under shellfire .
41 The initial plan for development of the client care programme was in three stages : firstly 19 in-depth interviews were conducted with representatives drawn from a broad spectrum of Ernst & Young 's audit , tax and consulting client base spread through PLCs , owner-managed businesses and the public sector .
42 Her research was in two areas , plant genetics and floral morphology .
43 The research was in two phases : first , a survey of 1070 patients in eight private hospitals and pay beds in three NHS hospitals and , second , interviews were conducted with a sub-sample of 60 patients .
44 In the same way as in previous analyses we divided the men according to whether or not the placental weight was above 1.25 pounds ( 567 g ) .
45 The situation was only saved when the Aztec tactfully pointed out that each piece was worth two loads of gold .
46 The whole manor at the time of Ring Edward was worth 25 pounds and afterwards 6 pounds .
47 still had no prospects of employment and I do n't think er , er my parents had any erm particular ideas and my father who worked for erm Roads and Bridges Department was speaking to the Chief Clerk at that time , that was , er , his name was in fact and erm he was a very sympathetic character and er he said he 'd have a word with erm with somebody in the County Council and erm see if they could find me employment as a typist and erm using the argument of course that the Education Department had up to that time at the R N C erm paid the balance of the fees for my course , erm I could just mention to you that the scholarship was worth forty pounds a year fee .
48 The term was for 26 years paying a one-twelfth to the Lord , save for the first six months when no claim would be made .
49 His mouth was like two halves of a peach when you part them and see the rose-edged pulp inside , before you bite it .
50 The Dee at Chester was fishable but the only action was from 40 cormorants who have taken up residence above the weir .
51 Adam 's Renault was among 60 cars and lorries that piled into each other on the M62 at Ainley Top , near Huddersfield , on Monday .
52 For a patient aged 75 + the decrease was from 41.4 days to 24.7 days , a decrease of 40.3 per cent .
53 Affinities are of two kinds , syntagmatic and paradigmatic .
54 We have seen that the main differences between consonants are of three types :
55 REVOLVER , Pulp and The Bardots are among 15 bands confirmed to appear at London 's Smashed !
56 ‘ The qualifying trials are in three weeks ’ time — the day after my wretched exams , would you believe ?
57 These areas are within miles of the church .
58 37% of Welsh farms are in the 2–20 hectare size category ; 24% in the 20–40 hectare category and 32% are above 40 hectares .
59 New units for mental health patients in North Durham and South Tyneside are among 16 schemes to start soon costing £8m .
60 Such elements are of two kinds .
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