Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 KPMG Peat Marwick , Sakura Global Capital and BDO Binder Hamlyn are among the companies that have paid £1,000 for a table to seat their team of 10 contestants .
2 The nation has a very large civil service but a mixture of disdain for and suspicion of its civil servants … our leading governmental institutions are without the benefits of great formal authority and respect .
3 The famous ‘ spider woman ’ of Erddig duly appears on the cover of The Servants ' Hall , but most of the accounts are of the menservants .
4 The implication of sex differences in economic activity for economic inequality are among the questions that are being pursued in my current research with John Ermisch and other colleagues .
5 IBM Corp and Microsoft Corp are among the companies planning to incorporate the Desktop Management Task Force 's Desktop Management Interface into their operating systems .
6 Some of those cases are before the courts at the moment .
7 For in a similar vein to the criminal ‘ enemy ’ , the researcher 's activities are across the bounds , a challenge to be taken on , attacked , and , destroyed or at least to be denied .
8 Strong Case heads the weights in the Dunnes Stores Ladies Fashion Race where National Hunt stars like Second Schedual and Bitofabanter are among the entries .
9 It is however landscape which holds the greatest interest for the Royal artist and Deeside , the Yorkshire Dales , and Norfolk are among the areas where he has roamed with sketch-pad and paints .
10 While it is clear what the publishers stand to gain by investing both money and effort in ensuring that their key titles are on the shelves at all times , there might be more reluctance on the part of the booksellers to accept this encroachment onto their territory .
11 Most of the meetings are for the purposes of electing Elders and Deacons ; selecting dates for Communion and purging and adding to the roll in preparation ; electing a representative in the Presbytery and Synod ; and acting as a court of discipline .
12 Poolewe and Dundonnell are at the ends of a classic walk of nearly thirty miles crossing this wilderness and , because of the rigours of the journey , calling for careful advance planning .
13 Certainly , preventive strategies and modern medicine will tend to counteract negative selective forces and will maintain the frequency of the thrifty genotype in human populations , but , as Neel soberly pointed out , ‘ efforts to preserve the diabetes genotype through this transient period of plenty are in the interests of mankind , ’ for some time in the future we may again be glad to have it .
14 Styles of dress , hairstyles , musical interests , speech and language use , leisure activities , and values are among the characteristics that teenagers appear to learn , in part , by watching and comparing themselves to others in their group .
15 More than half of the 999 calls are for the police and , since crime is rising , Oftel estimates that the current average of 60,000 calls a day will rise to 70,000 by the mid 1990s .
16 The candidate whose immediate queries are along the lines of , ‘ When will I get my first pay rise ? ’ , or ‘ Will I be able to go on holiday in July ? ’ will probably not be putting the job first and certainly lacks the good sense and tact to make it appear to be the priority .
17 It is obvious , argues Cutler , how suitable these characteristics are for the needs of bourgeois society .
18 They will continue to decline in numbers and mergers with their big brothers are on the cards .
19 But while all eyes are on the hot-spots of Eastern Europe the real action is taking place in clubland .
20 Next , if you want to try to get sponsorship then write to the importers or dealers in this country — their addresses are in the ads of this magazine — do n't try writing direct to the USA , they wo n't want to know .
21 LASMO 's government relations in Pakistan are in the hands of Zahid Muzzafar , who is based in Islamabad , supplemented by efforts from the Karachi and London offices .
22 The fact that the vast majority of these funds are in the names either of my wife or daughter casts a further question over my personal financial awareness , but that is not the point .
23 Coca Cola and McDonalds are among the companies who plan to get a slice of the real financial action when Batman Returns hits the screens .
24 These parameters are at the limits of those allowed by treefall simulations .
25 Its funding and negotiations with authors are in the hands of a general editor at Layer IV , assisted by a small group of editors at Layer 111 , each working on projects that may take up to 18 months to complete .
26 Together with spiders , snakes are among the animals most feared by man , although most species are harmless .
27 The first book printed in Florence , a 1471–72 Virgil , the earliest printed Greek Homer and first editions of Ficino and the Divina commedia are among the items on show .
28 ‘ Our pictures are in the newspapers . ’
29 I suspect that people who work in the industry are under no illusions .
30 Economists yesterday disagreed on whether exports could maintain their strength at a time when many other industrial nations are in the doldrums .
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