Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] er [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 But erm I 'm compiling a list at the moment on tutors and er I 'll be able to let you know the probably next week I should think .
2 Yeah I like to , I like to have a go at different things I mean the the the other the other lunchtime we had you know he came in at lunchtime and er Shirley had gone somewhere Ann and er I 'll have the chicken kiev for me please so so I went and did it did you cook that for him ?
3 and then I thought well er tt if you get this sandwich toaster I 'll give you sandwich toaster , you can get egg , beans and all , bacon and all this crap and er we 'll go from there .
4 Because although the hotpots cost a pound er most people er will will buy drinks at the bar and er we 'll make fifty P out of them in the evening at the bar so you know we 'll make five pounds from anybody we sell tickets to from now on .
5 If you 're raising a particular point and the reason that we 're here this evening is to look at things that people are raising we 'll look at that report we 'll look at the point your raising and er we 'll we 'll see if it validity to it .
6 On that we will provide erm er carrier bags , er some pens and er we 'll probably er dish out some leaflets there as well .
7 erm , I have n't , I was gon na go and , I tried phoning Lorne one time I was going through to Glasgow just to see if I could , can I have a , can I have a pint with him or something , erm , just to chew it over cos he suggested you know he 'd made various helpful suggestions , in the meantime I did n't manage to meet him , but in the meantime I did manage to speak to my father-in-law who has a camcorder and er he will be more than happy to erm , he 's also got editing equipment , he would be more than happy you know , to do the home made video that we 've talked about , I need to talk to him about this because the obvious place to do will be the Lyceum on one of your shows
8 why do n't you get some glass or something , just put it down , just pick up drain and er you 'll seal all the alley way up , keep it dry , stops the water getting in .
9 Enjoyed er our discussions and er we 'll take it from there .
10 We 'll do it as clerk of the scales and er we 'll inform him that that 's on you know one
11 Criminals are n't too bothered about the er problems they cause victims in the commission for their crime , but er as a general rule er they do draw a line somewhere , but I think to er rob a lady who is er presumably grieving over the loss of a relative , at the graveside , has got to be plumbing some new depth of er depravity and er I 'll expect the erm vast majority of the citizens of Banbury will think similarly .
12 Now that 's changed slightly on the basis that er we will tell people before they go now .
13 Chairman I think this is probably the first time in this council chamber in twenty years that er I will probably have spoken on er social services issues er and I speak from an entirely private capacity and any information that er that comes my way is from what I might call informed members of the public erm , people who I come into contact with and from my own experiences as a ward councillor and from as we all do from time to time , my own family experience , my own domestic experiences and I do know something about the problems which are associated with the the care of elderly people er although I do n't have that problem now erm things have taken their course .
14 He 's a man who erm is qualified in the field of computer sciences and if your Lordship will hear has worked throughout his life in the fields of computers , banking and er in March of nineteen eighty five he left employment with a company known as Data Logic Limited where he had been employed as a banking consultant and decided at that stage er on a change of career erm and he was looking principally to acquire a wine bar , restaurant , country house hotel , something of that nature and er you will hear that after some early disappointments in the earlier part of nineteen eighty five when deals that er were on the horizon for premises in Oxfordshire and then in Chichester erm in early September the plaintiffs er saw and liked the wine bar in and offered the price of , the asking price of seventy five thousand pounds with stock er which was accepted .
15 What we 're actually doing in terms of the product is we 're actually widening the franchise erm I do n't like to use words going up market that suggests that we 're leaving our core customers behind , we will we will add any product that is complimentary to our core kitchens but er we 'll still be the main stance of the product in these two stores for instance , we 're going to introduce a house wear department it is something that we 've been experimenting with before we 're going to erm use the opportunity to widen the franchise on appliances we 're going to erm use the an experiment on erm floorings to match work tops , those kind of developments just to test to see whether the customer reaction is as good as we hoped it would be so that we can then introduce it in the main chain
16 Yeah Sue told me the other day that er she wo n't come out till she 's , she 's right cold .
17 With the Omni SQL Gateway that er you 'll be be able to access D B two data is that still going through the Open SQL Server or is that actually going D R D A or are there plans to go D R D A compliant ?
18 Very difficult to quantify them at this stage but certainly it 's it 's my advice that er there will be distinct improvements in the environment .
19 Ah just a couple of people that 's all two people and er they 'll just have to get round it somehow but we do n't yeah well you speak to him right yeah well they can have they can have what they want but I mean it might be just a short term thing .
20 And , I said , well we wo n't stay Gary cos co Tony 's got ta go to work early in the morning and er I wo n't drink and I 'll drive home .
21 It 's going to be a heck of a game and er there 'll be some surprises as well .
22 really answer the first part of the Noble Lord 's question by saying that er er it is a question of future cost , er we are er we are already spending a great deal of money on the first part er of this er library and er we will have to examine the future cost very carefully and I put it to you to the Noble Lord that it would be a really sad reflection where the field of creative endeavour in which this country is m has most excelled over the centuries , in other words literature to have no single focus for celebration , preservation and active use , it really is er very important that this library continues , but may I remind Your Lordships also that we 're not talking about the s the library in this question , we 're talking about the u the site at present used by the builders .
23 We undoubtedly your Lordship because er I 'll be referring to er one or two other parts of the further and better .
24 They 're probably even clearer if you take this copy of my er which I 'll leave by the door and er we 'll carry on next week .
25 Er Trading Standards Officers have been helping the police have made a large number of visits to sales in recent months targetting those where we know or suspect there will be concentration of counterfeiter goods and these stolen items we 've been taking and seizing items , we 've been making inspections and er we will also be distributing some leaflets to try and advise people of some of the risks and dangers that face them at this sort of event .
26 And this is er the sort of thing that er you 'll hand over to the the medical practice to er at least remind them what you 're doing there .
27 We we we 're empowered er by these orders to set up the new constituencies , er they do not actually come into effect to enable the elections to be held upon them er until all the countries of the E E C have agreed the changes that are necessary to accommodate the new numbers that er they will be having , er so the act , the ninety three act , has a commencement hour within it .
28 But er , your worships to do it by your colleagues until today because er Mr indicate on the application form that er he will not be in fact , operating the bar himself but it would be somebody else .
29 Now , here again , in the past , group selectionist thinking had tended to the view that all you need for sex if it 's for the benefit of the species is a regular male , a regular female , doing the regular thing and er everything will be alright .
30 Okey-dokey well erm hang on the line and er we 'll get you all sorted .
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