Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] then [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think it 's necessarily about teaching er children primarily about sex or about sexual pleasure , I think it 's all , initially , about personal hygiene and then developing that into how they can make their life safer for themself , or giving them choices to say , well I can choose to become pregnant or not to become pregnant and , I think it 's more about choices rather than saying orgasms and erm sexual pleasure , or
2 She brushed a woodlouse from her skirt and then realised that George was staring at something behind her .
3 He stood the boxes side by side and then realised that they were the same size .
4 She wondered idly why Rose had not asked him to apply the sun-cream and then realised that he was not among the swimmers .
5 So if unemployment benefit is suspended and erm another circumstance which might arise is somebody expects to receive unemployment benefit and then finds that they 're not entitled to it .
6 Nor is it enough to give them details of exercise and sport and then assume that they will simply become more active .
7 ‘ Champagne , hot scented baths , Sibelius , tiny kittens , very , very , very expensive underwear that you hardly know you 're wearing , and skiing at night and going into the big stores on fifth Avenue and trying on all the three-hundred-dollar dresses and shoes and then saying that I do n't like any of them — I do that quite often — and … ’
8 Clauses are sometimes encountered which state that a referee is to be appointed who is described as an expert and then told that he will act as an arbitrator , or , alternatively , that the referee is an arbitrator who will act as an expert .
9 It is too easy to project all the evil outwards into that desert and then to believe that all is well in our own garden .
10 What proportion of asylum seekers come into this country on visitors ' permits and then decide that they are in fear of persecution just as their permits come to an end ?
11 There is , of course , nothing wrong with trying to look your best , but for the born-again Weldon to refuse to see anyone unless she spent half the day in the hairdressers and then proclaim that she 's only doing it to further her career ( oh , please ) smacks of hypocrisy of the very highest order .
12 The journalist spends time on the story and then discovers that the subject has been around for years .
13 My father stopped , looked at me for a bit and then said that in the circumstances I could go out that night — providing I milked the cows first .
14 He stared down at his hands and examined his fingers and then noticed that there was a thread loose on one of his own buttons .
15 She began to go through the whole thing in her prayer and then realized that God of course would know anyway , so she simply asked if it could be that Timothy Gedge was possessed by devils .
16 There is no point in planning to re-use the memory on your old board and then discovering that it does n't fit the new one !
17 They had used the police in the political struggle and then found that the police were no longer reliable .
18 ‘ But you would n't want to pay one gang and then find that they 'd sold your father to another , would you ? ’
19 Back at her place she offered him a large whisky and then said that she just had to slip into the bedroom to see to a few things .
20 Now it 's true that since the second world war all wars have been limited in one sense or another , but then comes the question , if you do , in fact , succeed in defining objectives er and de in defining the means to those objectives , how can you know in fact that you possess genuine capability without putting it to the test , without actually fighting the war and then finding that you can not win it ?
21 Mrs Stych faltered for a moment and then realized that she meant Hank .
22 Now I think that approach to health care is fundamentally wrong , because you measure the needs of a patient in one moment and then suggest that the needs of that , that the needs of that patient will continue to be the same in subsequent weeks or subsequent months .
23 Brian opened his mouth to tell his wife she was a liar and then realized that that would be too strong .
24 She had stayed in the cellar for what she thought was about three days and then realised that she had n't felt the vibration of gunfire for some time , perhaps a day and a night .
25 It is one thing to have a good system in place and then to discover that in practice , on site for example , a different system is used or that there is no system in use .
26 It has even been known for a company to respond to a request for information six weeks after the initial query and then to complain that their product had been left out !
27 A more sophisticated use of doubling and halving was used by another pupil to find how much 3 lbs of pears would cost : the pupil doubled 2 lbs costing 30p to obtain 4 lbs costing 60p and then said that 45 was halfway between 30 and 60 .
28 ask each committee or team that meets regularly to calculate its running costs and then insist that these are halved .
29 English family relationships are said to be less strong than those of Asians , but most English people would be deeply shocked if their grandmother or grandfather , coming to visit them , or their young brother or sister , was held in detention by people with quasi-police powers , accused of lying and then sent back ; or if their husband or wife , coming to join them after a long separation , was further delayed for years and then told that they were not the people they claimed to be and hence had no right to come at all .
30 One might labour for years and then discover that one 's thoughts simply concealed some devilish machine . ’
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