Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] when [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The situation that produced it was comparable to that which was to lead to a similar agreement between the returning Dutch and those who had proclaimed the Republic of Indonesia : in both cases neither side was prepared , there and then , for all-out war when the last British forces left Indonesia or when the Chinese armies in Tonkin were finally persuaded to leave .
2 By the end of the Seventies ‘ Laura Ashley ’ had sufficiently entered the American consciousness that when a small toy factory in Kentucky was threatened with closure , the Governor , John Y. Brown Jr. , immediately contacted Laura Ashley and suggested they took it over .
3 Lord Hope did not accept the first submission on behalf of the pursuers , which was to the effect that when the completed application form was sent to the building society the pursuers had accepted an offer made by the society to consider the application , as , unlike in Hunter v General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Co , 19O9SC ( HL ) 3O , the building society in the present case had not given any undertaking to consider the application and were under no obligation to do so .
4 Another factor is the widespread belief in the industry that when a new product catches on in the States , it will inevitably be adopted in Europe .
5 And the G M B demands that when the good committee report it makes such behaviour illegal .
6 This is no easy task when it is aimed at an entire work force and when the normal reading habits of the employees may range from The Times at one end to The Sun at the other .
7 I have n't been happy for the last few months and when an old girlfriend asked me out I went along and enjoyed myself .
8 The 3,000 or so subscribers to Mountain will help to bolster High 's circulation figures with the added hope that when the ex- Mountain subscriptions expire , some will renew them with High .
9 Anxious , because you know from past experience that when the convenient moment arrives for you to sow , the weather will turn wet or cold , even snowy , and effort and seed would be wasted , yet time is slipping by and the crops most worth raising are those that come first .
10 You were watching him and he was watching you , so there were less catches than when the easy-going feller was on .
11 In dense jungle or tall grass the shooting was usually done from elephant back , a comparatively safe exercise except when a cornered tiger sprang at the howdah in which the shikari and his gun-bearer were poised on the elephant .
12 Each processor on the network runs its own copy of the 13Kb microkernel and when a new thread is started , the kernel on that chip compares its loading with its immediate neighbours .
13 Each processor on the network runs its own copy of the 13Kb microkernel and when a new thread is started , the kernel on that chip compares its loading with its immediate neighbours .
14 Waterman was secretly working with a Midlands band called Abracadabra on a version of the Abba classic Dancing Queen and when the Swedish group 's record company found out they tried to spoil his plans .
15 The two signals above the viewfinder show when the camcorder is in record-mode and when the White Balance system is switched to Outdoor or Indoor preset .
16 They came with a good suit on and they would go to work with a suit double breasted and then and they would work there and make a lot of money and when the next thing they would do they would hit into town and get all rigged out and then that was them from top to bottom from their hat right to their feet and then they were hitting the road then .
17 This may arise when there are excesses in the diet or when the digestive system is upset and weakened so that it can not fully break down the food for the body to use .
18 Tommy Taylor , of TT Construction , and Ernie Matthews , of RPM windows and conservatories , forked out the £250-odd they had donated for the trophies and there was no harder match than when the two sponsors met in the semi-finals of the over 40s .
19 It is a matter of public record that when a certain accident occurred only one day after the political pendulum had swung over and a new administration had taken office , an irate member of parliament demanded to know why the government had not taken steps to prevent such things taking place .
20 Can she please tell us when this demise will take place and when the new transport working party will be convened .
21 Its equally hairy large leaves will dominate any border or waterside planting and when the large imposing deep yellow daisies appear in late summer all traffic stops .
22 Dawyck Haig 's son Alexander was much the same age as Alastair and when the two were old enough we used to have fathers ' and sons ' tennis and golf matches .
23 A third of the way towards Scone and when the running fight with the marching shipmen was at its hottest , the good news came to Thorfinn .
24 There was scarcely any unsavoury incident and certainly nothing on the scale of the problems at the same venue four years before when the American wives were hissed and cheers greeted almost all of their husbands unsuccessful shots .
25 The problem arises when a batch of recruits enter military service or when a large company takes on a new set of graduates .
26 It was established that individual pathetic character once and forever by tying one end of his pocket handkerchief to a hook on , in the wall and attaching himself to the other to the performance , to , to the performance of this feat however the pocket handkerchief inside had been all he , he only cried bitterly all day and when the longest nights came on he spread his little hand before his eyes to shut out the darkness and crouching in the corner tried to sleep , everyone drawing himself closer and closer to the wall
27 The sensor measures alkalinity and when the level falls below a pre-set value it activates a pump that delivers product from a bulk container to the tank in sufficient quantity to make up solution to the desired strength .
28 It was used when urban disturbances in the centre of Rome forced flight from the Lateran and when a lengthy liturgical occasion demanded it .
29 Therefore , all we must hope is that Tendulkar hears the right voices in the crowd when he has edged a few seaming balls at Headingley into the gloves of the ‘ keeper and when the tiny bundle of sweaters frozen in the outfield at Middlesbrough drops a catch .
30 However , in the absence of clear evidence and when the fiscal debate is difficult to resolve , it is possible that those who begin with a public choice framework may be led to quite different reform proposals from those who approach the issue from a more traditional framework .
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