Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] would [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 The big broker even asked me , as I left his office , if I could recommend someone to design a programme that would let him keep track of his client 's accounts as he traded .
2 The clamour of her heartbeat filled the silence between them , as she struggled to find the words that would send him away forever .
3 She felt that her heart would burst with the ache of love , and searched in her mind for words that would bind him to her and bring him back .
4 As he 'd hobbled back through the sleet a tiny part of him had hoped her gratitude would include an embrace , or at least a few words that would let him know she felt something for him .
5 Sometimes , before he drank the fourth or fifth glass of Côtes-du-Rhone that would incapacitate him , he thought with guilt of the Flanders fields , with impotence of the forests where wolves ranged , — with the sense of temptation , secret delight , and energy welling up from unknown sources of Gauguin 's cold bluster , of Vincent 's two voices .
6 He 'd gone on saying it until people complained and the landlord was forced to tell him that such talk amounted to the spreading of gloom and despondency ; it was almost as bad as careless talk and would land him in the Bridewell if the police got to hear .
7 For his own good she frequently reminded him of the horrors and deprivations that would befall him there .
8 He could not think of a single convincing excuse that would get him out of the house .
9 Then he turned , and with a little gesture of farewell crossed the highway and headed back towards Lima , a small , shambling figure glancing back every now and then in search of a truck that would give him a lift .
10 Prom there he was to work up his cover as a rubber man and make the contacts that would get him into Germany .
11 He drove a wide circle out of the car park towards the slip-road that would take him back to the dual carriageway .
12 He longed to do some real work that would give him some satisfaction at the end of a day , yet there seemed to be nothing for him to do .
13 Stevenson was deliberately seeking a plot that would allow him to explore an aspect of human psychology .
14 He was wearing the unobtrusive shabby clothes with soft shoes that would allow him to plod round the streets without being noticed .
15 Thousands of Montenegrins , many in national costume , waited at the quayside in Bar for the Italian warship that would bring him home .
16 ‘ How can I understand it , how can I understand it ? ’ he went on and on accusingly , as though scientists are to blame for not inventing a magic serum that would give him instant knowledge .
17 ‘ If only they had n't scrapped the old grammar school , ’ muttered Dr Frome , and Pumfrey saw that he was beginning to erect in his mind a structure of excuses and evasions that would justify him to himself .
18 He did n't expect to receive through the static created by the storm but he broadcast a warning and his position in the hope that the Embassy had equipment that would pick him up .
19 He took advantage of the noisy arrival of Auguste 's staff to beat a judicious retreat , as Auguste hurled imprecations after him , based largely on the fate that would await him should the goose come to any harm as a result of his incursions into the chef 's sovereign territory .
20 Merely , I have a great kindness for fitzAlan and would see him happily …
21 Though intimidation was not discussed in the case it can not be that B could have avoided the binding nature of the contract by the simple device of counterclaiming for damages for intimidation and it seems therefore that for the purposes of intimidation the plaintiff should be required to show unlawful coercion at least of such a degree as would enable him to avoid a contract .
22 If that was the only place that would take him , that was where he would go , said the King .
23 Yet somehow Edward must be appeased , so I sought to make a virtue of my ignorance , asking questions that would allow him to air his greater experience .
24 Lecourt has pointed to the absence of ‘ a concept that would enable him to think together several histories with different statuses ; in short , the concept of a differential history ’ .
25 More , he lived in hope that one such mirror would find something behind his looks only another pair of eyes could see : some undiscovered self that would free him from being Gentle .
26 That is the good side of the Texan , the stuff that would make him an asset in countries , such as Britain or France , where the old political order needs a solid whack .
27 He kept listening for sounds that would tell him Blackbeard and his henchman were in the vicinity .
28 At the same time , the worker has at his command tools and machinery that would make him feel enormous strength but he feels impotent because he is involved in only one part of the pattern of mass production ; never experiencing involvement with a total process from the raw material stage through to a finished product .
29 She moved away when he sat near her , went into town to change her library books instead of going home when he invented a string of excuses that would enable him to walk in her direction .
30 I was not a man fighting to live but I was a boxer on the ropes , praying for a miracle that would save him from almost certain defeat .
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