Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] has [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Any feature of the interior of the aircraft that has contributed to the injury or death of the occupants is recorded and the manufacturers and airworthiness authorities informed .
2 In stamping the image of the ‘ dark , satanic mills ’ on English consciousness , he articulated a deep-rooted aversion to industry that has persisted to the present day .
3 Italy is one of Iran 's main trading partners and had until now been largely spared the violence that has led to the deaths of dozens of opponents of the Tehran government opponents in other European cities since the 1979 revolution .
4 All the development aid that has gone to many third world countries comes back twofold and threefold through interest payments on the debt , underpayment for commodities and the over-profitability of multinational corporations .
5 Attention to detail and our high level of engineering integrity has been recognised by the top yacht designers and has led to constant involvement in rigs for all yacht projects from seventy to three hundred feet .
6 The official Singer correspondence course has now been operating for about nine months and has proved to be very popular .
7 Gould has threatened to take legal action and has written to the Prime Minister claiming his civil liberties were infringed .
8 As at all his power stations , Scott faced the building in a fine Worcestershire brick that has weathered to a lovely pinky-brown .
9 However , sexual history records remarkable cases of feminine pubic hair that has grown to be longer than the hair on the owners ' heads .
10 This is a most useful provision that has come to the assistance of many tenants over the years .
11 Central Council is most grateful for the generous support that has led to this successful outcome .
12 The Primate of the Episcopal Church in the USA thanks God for ‘ the gifts ordained women have brought to our church and the wholeness that has come to its life ’ .
13 There is no area , there is no tiny minute detail of the law that has failed to be met with .
14 After a few minutes , use a slotted spoon to remove the beige scum that has risen to the surface .
15 From clogged skies to choked motorways , from Clapham Junction to the Marchioness , Mr Prescott has been Labour 's voice of protest on an issue that has moved to the heart of the ‘ quality of life ’ agenda increasingly dominating the political agenda .
16 I am a recent subscriber , having recently renewed my subscription for a second year and I have enjoyed every issue that has come to me in the post .
17 Subsequently , the company agreed to independent auditing and has returned to profitability .
18 He has published many works on Scottish architecture and has contributed to a variety of publications including the Architectural Review , Country Life , the Architects ' Journal and the Times Literary Supplement .
19 The HEARSAY project [ Erman et al , 1980 ] used this architecture and has proved to be highly influential ( albeit less than completely successful ) as an example of collaboration between different levels of processing .
20 However , its involvement in the conflict in Nicaragua , acting as the main host country to the Contras , has attracted a good deal of US aid and military personnel and has led to the increasing militarization of society .
21 The development of flexible endoscopy , which allows pancolonic biopsy , has supported this finding and has led to a change in practice such that in many centres at risk patients are examined at intervals , with colonoscopy and biopsy , to detect premalignant dysplasia or early cancer .
22 This has been particularly remarked on in government contracts and has led to pressure to move towards fixed-price contracts .
23 The elevation of environmental concerns in the social consciousness has raised the profile of environmental protection and has led to international agreements specifically concerned with the environment , such as the Montreal protocol on the ozone layer .
24 The Directive on the return of cultural goods unlawfully removed from a member state is not ready for implementation yet , and , although the Regulation on the export of cultural goods to non-EC countries is , it will not enter into force until the Directive has been debated by the European Parliament and has returned to the Council of Ministers for final approval .
25 Since that can not be effectively done under the law as it stands , there must be created a new body of law of the sort that has come to be called administrative law .
26 The approach is primarily focused on helping patients resolve the crisis that has led to an overdose and on tackling their longer-term problems , largely using their own resources to do so and thereby developing greater ability to cope with stresses in future .
27 Most parents whose children are taken into care are extremely poor , either permanently or as a result of the crisis that has led to their being unable to look after their child .
28 Curiously , one pre eminent group of creatures that included not only the dinosaurs but birds and humans — a group that has lasted to the present day — was the bipedal or two-legged walking variety that had a group of sense organs at one end .
29 Although such censorship is not the most common type of censorship in libraries , it is the one in recent years that has threatened to be the most damaging .
30 Although not a Government publication , this book , first published in 1923 , achieved considerable popularity before the Second World War and has run to twelve editions , all revised by the original writer , the most recent being that of 1954 ; in England it was the main vehicle for the principles of Sir Truby King and his Mothercraft Training Society .
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