Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] we [vb mod] give " in BNC.

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1 What I , what I 'd like to do is , we can say that we 're we can make er a profit or a loss and we can give the figure , so this might have come out at seven thousand two hundred whatever .
2 No I said space is a hundred pound and we 'll give you twice that size for that .
3 Simply call the Tomy Careline and we 'll give you the name and address of the store that 's nearest you .
4 Asian children , like all the children in our schools , deserve the very best mathematical teaching that we can give .
5 Work or we 'll give you more Cherub singing .
6 The emotional help that we can give is often about unravelling this complex package of emotion into a process that can be gently reviewed and understood by the person feeling it all .
7 Madam , I 'm gon na ask you to say in those circumstances that we should give him the maximum discharge .
8 Choose the Commodore with a Mitsubishi engine and we 'll give you an Atco Blow & Vac ( usual price £229 ) absolutely free .
9 After the usual social exchanges we got down to business explaining the range of counselling that we could give and the various reasons why we thought it was important to ‘ talk about it ’ .
10 One of the most important messages that we must give to everyone in our country is that we have in place proper , fair and effective policies to deal with the unprecedented flow of asylum seekers .
11 If so get in touch with Steve Hack on Farnham 725224 every Monday and we 'll give you some free publicity .
12 I remember at the Uni when we used to give we used to put stamps on people , you know ,
13 Whatever publishers ' position on the question of ‘ partner or competitor ’ , Richard Heath , of Heath Educational Book Supplies , stressed that ‘ booksellers are not asking for favouritism , we simple need a level playing field ’ , and , he warned , ‘ Publishers like Heinemann Educational , who attempt to gain market share for key national curriculum titles by offering schools 20 , 25 , 33 or even 50% discount for buying direct , can not then expect the same support from booksellers as we will give to publishers who show commitment to booksellers . ’
14 The NABC has never fostered a North/South divide and the suggestion from Mr Atkinson that we would give preference to the views from southern counties , as against northern counties , is totally without foundation .
15 That 's why we give an absolute guarantee that we will give you continuity of assignment .
16 I believe that it is nonsense that we should give such asylum seekers any form of accommodation .
17 Rent both together for Only £19.99 a month and we 'll give you a FREE Stacking Kit to help you make the most of your floor space .
18 They undertake a booking of a minimum of fifty seats once a week if we will give a special price .
19 Because you 're sitting down with your partners and we 'll give actually literature which your managers will give you .
20 And they 'd come along cattle there just contented as could be and then they got their supper and we 'd give them a wee while of light still to eat their supper .
21 You see Donny suggested at that last meeting that we had just small leaflets that we could give to all members .
22 This is a completely new way of funding the universities , and although we think at Birmingham that we can give good value for money and provide a good education at a fair price , this is new territory for us and there could be some surprises on the way .
23 If you pay us an extra premium before you go abroad we may extend the full cover of your policy to include a country outside the territorial limits and we will give you an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) .
24 If you pay us an extra premium before you go abroad we may extend the full cover of your policy to include a country outside the territorial limits and we will give you an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) .
25 If you pay us an extra premium before you go abroad we may extend the full cover of your policy to include a country outside the territorial limits and we will give you an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) .
26 If you pay us an extra premium before you go abroad we may extend the full cover of your policy to include a country outside the territorial limits and we will give you an International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) .
27 We used to put some straw down and the manger and we used to give them some hay and they 'd amuse themselves in there tied up .
28 ‘ A ’ were with dressable wounds for the medical wards , ‘ B ’ were for the theatre , as they had wounds needing operative treatment , ‘ C ’ were for as much morphia as we could give them for a quiet inevitable death , ‘ D ’ were corpses .
29 They would want a lot ; there is no reason that we should give them everything they ask for .
30 If he is writing down his ideas and expressing his experiences this is a lot and we must give him his due and his head .
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