Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] she [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She kept telling Ivan that she had to leave , and he kept telling her that he was a great lover although his prick was only six inches long .
2 It was a force that she tried to hide away tidily , as her mother would have done , because it was a dark and hideous thing that shook her violently .
3 Sarah Stitt is possessed of the same huge eyes that she likes to paint in her huge-eyed portraits .
4 As it happened , this queen mother was the most remarkable and able of them all , and it is therefore something of an irony that she had to wait for twelve years , until 1554 , and stage a successful coup , before obtaining the place which earlier queen mothers had immediately enjoyed .
5 She was not a lesbian and it was Constance 's mind that she wished to possess , not her body .
6 ‘ When she opened the hospice in June , she gave no indication that she intended to come back . ’
7 She no more wanted to trudge all the way back to her jeep than she wanted to stay here arguing with this infuriating man .
8 It was a pleasure that she wanted to press into her body while at the same time throw it off as far away from her as possible .
9 Guy stood up and smiled down at her with such glittering mockery that she wanted to thump him .
10 Maura was more like her brothers than she cared to think about .
11 Claire used to repeat his sentences the same way when they were kids and she wanted to wind him up .
12 He agreed to pay them but told Gina she must give some Italian lessons or something in future if she wanted to treat herself to things like that .
13 Suddenly the tears spurted out of Daisy 's eyes and she had to turn away and bury her face in Drew 's Land-Rover .
14 Tears jumped into Evelyn 's eyes and she started to hurry in the direction of the girls ' barracks , ignoring the missiles which caught her on the back and arms or dropped uselessly on either side .
15 Then the toot of a trumpet and the clown with the enormous sorrowful eyes was coming at her in her ring-side seat and she wanted to run away .
16 He 'd threatened her with the direst reprisals if she dared to leave their suite , not guessing that wild horses would n't drag her away until she 'd cleared the whole matter up .
17 Wexford approached Nora Fanshawe and she turned to face him .
18 Then he had dashed back inside and curled up in his seat with his hands covering his ears until she came to take him home .
19 It was growing dark and she had to squint to make out the details of the room .
20 One of the colleges he listed invited Katrina up for an interview and she seemed to like it there .
21 Fabia was still in stunned surprise that her Volkswagen Polo was going to be towed by a Mercedes when the stranger went to the rear of her car and she had to snap out of her shock to steer .
22 He was quite frank about the whole thing , told us H. had given him a fiver to turn up , asked Madge if she wanted to go through with it , which of course she did n't .
23 Then came the snow and she had to stay in and watch from the window how it piled up against the water butt , how it lay like a blanket along the sills , how it changed the distance from bluey brown to white as far as you could see .
24 Well , there was some trouble at college and she had to leave . ’
25 It had little effect and she had to force herself into the driving seat and begin the return journey .
26 He was still clasping her by the shoulders and she tried to shake free .
27 ‘ She was running around at 10 months and she loves to sing all day long .
28 Probably because Rome had no alternative if she hoped to establish her dominion over Ireland at all .
29 Apart from the question of winning , Nutty kept having nightmares about the money they owed Biddy if she chose to press the debt .
30 ‘ The woman involved was a married woman with a family and she and Philip had lived together for a couple of months but she decided to go back to her husband in September . ’
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