Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] they have seen " in BNC.

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1 It 's strange the way Chinese Whispers start about certain guitars ; by the time the umpteenth person has told you about the amazing instrument that they 've seen , you begin to be very sceptical about whether anything can be as outrageous as described …
2 There was another story about a blind mother , whose son did not return after the battle ; she wept when he did not return , and asked the survivors if they had seen a young and lovely boy lying slain , dressed in delicately embroidered garments of fine silk , and the survivors said No , they had seen no boy , but they had seen a great bearded man dead , and he had worn tied about his waist strange garments , torn and faded and old , which had once been embroidered with flowers .
3 Throughout the EEC it is the rule for patients with sexually transmitted diseases to attend a private doctor for their diagnosis and treatment , and these private practitioners do not report the cases that they have seen .
4 Outside correspondence erm , the chairman and Archie have dealt with er erm , complaint from a member er I do n't know the outcome of it , but it 's a lady that they have seen .
5 At least your band 's name and date sheet is on the A&R person 's desk and they have seen it .
6 Most of the men on the plane would have been returning to their families and civilian life in the near future but , alas , they died on a remote and desolate Ayrshire hillside before they had seen their homes and families again .
7 It only reminded her of how she and Trish had hooted with laughter when they 'd seen the engraved invitations that had gone out in three languages for this evening 's showing .
8 I think in general term they will go along with the erm the de-furbishment or the destruction of the er but my understanding is they are reserving their judgement until they 've seen some version of the plan .
9 Asking Mr and Mrs Bloggs if they had seen the improvement in specific aspects of Fred 's work and then showing examples to back up statements made is one way of opening up discussion to avoid teacher domination of the meeting .
10 As they talked together , I was distressed to hear them recounting episodes of racial strife that they had seen .
11 The police say it was one of the worst attacks that they 've seen on a horse .
12 This gave credence to the claims of some transferred Sendero women prisoners who told human rights workers that they had seen at least two women surrender who were later officially reported to have died in the fighting .
13 Our second bureau is based on or around a traditional typesetting service where they have seen customers moving to in-house production using desktop publishing and want to continue to service the high quality end of the market .
14 The Supreme Court taxing officer takes the view that on the basis of the evidence that they have seen these figures are probably accurate and it is therefore for the paying party to show why the rates should not be applied .
15 The Lions will decide whether to complain about the assault on Richards when they have seen the video of the game .
16 . When two of my sons were little boys I took them to our old great-uncle Lord Albemarle 's yearly reception on Waterloo Day , that they might hereafter be able to say in their old age that they had seen and spoken to someone who had been at the Battle of Waterloo himself .
17 But they told their grand father that they had seen the god , and that he had taken them to the mountain-top .
18 He searched everywhere for it , going right through the village , asking people if they 'd seen it .
19 She ran into other nearby shops looking for him and asking people if they 'd seen him .
20 I asked the villagers if they had seen him and Mr Natchet , the postman , said he had met him by the front gate when delivering letters about a month ago .
21 Under the rules of 1865 they remained responsible for their publications after they had seen them into print .
22 ‘ He asked the senior players if they 'd seen anything as they came away from the dressing-room and they said they had n't .
23 Management offered to pay the workers for the lost days if they returned to work by Wednesday morning , but at a mass meeting on Tuesday 10 June workers voted 48 to 10 against resuming work and rejecting settlement proposals worked out between management and the union until they had seen a report from the Department of Labour Factory Inspectorate .
24 This question went on to ask respondents whether they had seen the booklet , or any part of it .
25 Well perhaps because they were more idealist and that now they 're becoming more realist but they 're still erm I mean they 're learning from their past mistakes and they 've seen that right so we have to have a moderate policy which is gon na take us a little bit further towards socialism .
26 So , the desire for a yacht which would take him and his wife on a worldwide cruise , comfortably and quickly , led them to Warwick Collins after they had seen one of his previous yachts , called Fondue , a 38-footer ( 11.5m ) .
27 How 're yuh gon na keep'em loyal to proprietary systems after they 've seen generic PCs is today 's equivalent .
28 The few other tourists who had been here had hurried for cover when they had seen the black sky approaching .
29 Through a gap a long wave of treetops stretched to the horizon , in the middle distance the smoke was coming and going in irregular bursts as they had seen it do once before from Ridgery Steep .
30 Then I , I er seen fittings in er , in a friend 's house or they 'd seen them in the erm
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