Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] i think we " in BNC.

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1 We scored two grat goals and I think we just deserved to win .
2 Just to be clear , the , we talked here about er the funding and the , the need not to , to let this muddy the this committee 's own highway programme and I think we we 're aware of that .
3 My father sent me the cheque , needless to say , so David and I thought we 'd better get married because that was the reason he sent the cheque .
4 ‘ Everyone has a record by The Drifters and I think we have all sung one of their numbers at a wedding .
5 demands and I think we really have to address this .
6 We got turned over last Saturday but I thought we showed great character out there today . ’
7 I could fill a book with the other similar comments which were written on the questionnaires but I think we can take it as read that the trials proved beyond doubt that if you followed the diet moderately strictly you could definitely lose inches from parts usually untouched by normal dieting methods .
8 York 's a historic city of some hundred and four thousand people , covering some two thousand nine hundred hectares , but that city itself is only part of the settlement that I think we would all regard as as York itself , that covers a larger population of some a hundred and thirty five thousand people , er contained er within the York outer ring road , and referenced to the the map submitted with my H One submission , and also the greenbelt plan which we 've we 've just put up on the board there , er will show you the the broader extent of the urban area .
9 The only issue that I think we have some er difficulty with in the policy as it stands at the moment , is the uncertainty that arises between the figure provided in policy I five of forty six hectares for the city , and actually our agreed calculation which I think the County Council accept , that site availability in the city is limited to something in the order of thirty three hectares if we exclude er one site which is subject to a dispute between parties er in relation to the greenbelt .
10 Question ten is a very involved question that I think we wo n't look at now .
11 It has been a shareholder for a very long time in some private companies and I think we 've become known to be a supportive shareholder .
12 Cheaper money and a plunge in the cost of living are working their way through the system , but the Government 's finances are still in a mess and I think we could inherit a financial deficit of as much as £50bn in 1993-94 .
13 The request will go before their committee and I think we 'll get the Stewart fight first , ’ Maloney said .
14 No , but I could fry some new potatoes cos I think we 've got some of those left .
15 Erm , but I think we 've got , we 've got erm Cowan Bridge in the early part of Lowood and I think we 've got really Roe Head School at the end Lowood , as it were .
16 We need to be innovative and extrovert , looking to the future and the continued enhancement of the Institute and I think we will always be enriched by the direct entrants so long as these continue to be strictly monitored .
17 Yes a tricky issue but I think we 've got to get to grips with it
18 I think we 'd be er prepared to accept this at , what 's asked for is a feasibility study , no more than that in the first instance and I think we 'd be prepared to accept .
19 So the net effect of your suggested criterion is to get us rather further from a decision than even the chairman and I thought we might be at ten o'clock this morning .
20 We 're not only catering for Harlow people we are catering for people outside which is bringing money into Harlow helping the finance of Harlow and I think we are just progressing with the times .
21 products and I think we all agree that we do have a responsibility to protect children .
22 ‘ She is also setting an example in these hard economic times and I think we should respect the Princess for this . ’
23 ‘ Our brief has always been to get back to our home ground and stay in the First Division and I think we are capable of achieving both . ’
24 Erm , the other point that I think we should be clear and we should remember , that this Council has still not wavered .
25 ‘ There 's a lot of zander throughout the canal and I think we 'll be leaving it until next season before we reschedule the match , ’ he said .
26 HARRY Mead is entitled to his opinion and I think we might have suffered his first disparaging comment on Bowes Museum and its founders ( Echo June 5 ) without protest .
27 I also give a guarantee that it is n't just a one off situation , meeting we all go away and forget about what we 've said I can assure you that wo n't happen minutes have been taken and and what 's been said this evening that will be conveyed to the management committee meeting the board meeting and I think we need to look very clearly at a very closely what 's been said and respond to what 's been said and I think that it 's been suggested also raised this evening about having a further meeting to report back and say erm this has been said this is our response .
28 Yes , I think also how you feel it could be improved would be very relevant and how you would feel in the context of a pensioners meeting , an annual meeting like shareholders have in companies and how you if you have any views on how such a meeting might be managed in relation to the deferred pensioners interests , the existing pensioners interests , the employees interest and obviously the company 's interest being adequately reflected at such a meeting but I think we would welcome that aspect .
29 ‘ I think it might be a reaction but I think we 'll find they do all different kinds of music as they go on .
30 The crowd gently goaded him by chanting : ‘ Kenny what 's the score ? ’ and afterwards Dalglish admitted : ‘ I am disappointed we did n't get anything from the match because I thought we played well enough .
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