Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] you [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 Go to almost any city and you find sink estates where you get the feeling that the council hates the place and the people too .
2 You can find hidden Greek tavernas where you explore the kitchens and choose your meal from what 's in the fridge or bubbling on the stove .
3 A mortgage is an annuity where you pay the building society a regular sum that eventually reduces the balance of debt to nothing .
4 If you are a person who is classified as being ‘ at risk ’ , that is elderly , frail or disabled in some way , then you should seriously consider either living in a sheltered housing complex where you have the safety net of alarms in every room rigged to a 24-hour warden service , or subscribing to a medical alert system .
5 Some can include an element of investment so you have the prospect of a cash sum at the end of your policy term .
6 Parts of the sequence exist elsewhere but it is only in Bratislava that you find the complete set .
7 It must be a phrase or short sentence , and include words that you feel the children need to learn to spell , e.g. " The sun is really shining . "
8 ‘ Your life is no longer forfeit ; but it is upon condition that you serve the Kha-Khan on a venture which Alexei is to command .
9 " On condition that you take the Gristy girl in and give her a home . "
10 It makes a firmer fabric than an every needle rib , makes a double jacquard pattern shorter and truer to the actual pattern and , also , you can use it for the plain rows instead of the ‘ striper ’ card if you like the texture .
11 Each time the line is paid out , the kite will begin to sink as its airspeed is decreased , so only release the line in stages and allow the kite to climb in these steps until you have the final height you want .
12 The whole team caught the bug and you know the rest .
13 But we 're not saying is the pipe-work and the little waterways if you see the machine you 'll understand more .
14 VIRTUALPAGECNT is not a dynamic parameter , so the new value will not be in force until you reboot the system .
15 Neither of these are dynamic parameters , so the new values will not be in force until you reboot the system .
16 Abolish the cohabitation rule and you establish the right of a mistress to draw SB in her own right .
17 Barclays ' TESSA pays a tax-free 10% if you stay the five-year course .
18 How do you , friends , change a structure which is still the old structure with a civil service , a security and everything that goes with it and move to one of democracy and justice because if you move too rapidly and you do not make concessions and you ignore the terrible power of the right wing with all the military might at its disposal you can very easily create in South Africa a Lebanon or indeed , yes , a Yugoslavia .
19 " It 's better not to shoot smaller animals until you have the bigger prizes you seek .
20 Oh yeah , I hate it when you open your stupid bloody mouth and you say the most bitchy things sometimes Catherine
21 Chorlton or Chorlton cum Hardy if you want the full glory .
22 You will need to get a receipt for the materials if you do the work yourself or the bill from the contractor if you have the work done for you .
23 Walk north-west to reach the B4418 and take the path going south-west until you reach the rock painted with white arrows .
24 What you do is , you look at the environment and consider like the inputs and then you look at behaviour as outputs and you learn the relationship between the two and you do n't neces you do n't have to understand what goes on inside .
25 It 's okay to be a professional soldier if you join the army of your own country .
26 ‘ And when you look at some of their shops and you see the same old wooden table that has been sitting out the front for months priced at £10 , or £20 , you realise the money has got to be coming from somewhere else — and we know it 's coming from knocking . ’
27 Everyone buggers off I mean you sit around the parents ' car and you have the lunch with your sort of so
28 If you , if you do the bumping off Ann if you do the bumping off
29 Experiment until you find the techniques that are most effective in allowing you to recall what you have studied .
30 Find out how seriously a believer takes his doubts and you have the index of how seriously he takes his faith .
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