Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] you [be] use " in BNC.

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1 The amplifier that you 're using on this tour , is that the Ray Butts amp that you used on Elvis 's ‘ Comeback Special ’ ?
2 The one drawback is that bounce is not very efficient in its use of lighting power compared with direct lighting , and you may find that the illumination level is on the low side unless you are using floodlamps of high wattage .
3 So lets convert some per centages into decimals , because this is the trick that you were using , last time you were very good at it .
4 Once you have conditioned barbel to feed ravenously they are ridiculously easy to catch , assuming of course that you are using tackle which is adequate enough to handle these tremendously hard-fighting fish .
5 You must give the exact critical values , right , if those critical values that you are using to compare with the regressionally significant whether you have serial correlation or not erm so they 're very very important and they ought to be included erm because otherwise we do n't know whether a test statistic is er statistically significant or not .
6 Such would be the case if you were using RotoSound 's Starfire Xtra Wrap strings .
7 Once you have drawn all the outlines of the basic design on to the tracing paper , you can then transfer them to the canvas or linen that you are using .
8 It seems that we now have serial correlation in our model as a result of including the dummy right , now we 've got to test statistic , I mean always look at the F version of the test , right , er our F statistic of three point seven six is significantly different from zero , right , that leaves seven percent level , so a five percent test we probably accept that we did n't have any serial correlations and we just got there by the skin of our teeth on that particular test erm yes , you could probably get away with this one , functional forms fine , no problem there , hetero skilasticity right , are F statistic three point nine but significantly different from zero that 's six percent level , right , so again we just scrape it if we were looking at the ninety five percent confidence it wants to be five percent if you are using as five percent significance level .
9 CorelDRAW can still bring up those strange Waldo error messages when you 're using the Blend option .
10 You can see the version of MS-DOS that you are using by including $V , and there are also several options for including special characters such as the backspace or carriage return line feed .
11 Now this kind of ordering text on a page if you 're using a typewriter takes quite a lot of skill but if you 're a , with a word processor it 's actually quite easy .
12 but I I I do n't understand the word that you 're using Mr .
13 Erm but of course to provide erm electricity on a larger scale , you ca n't put these things too close together , you need about er a thousand of those to , for example , to replace say a power station like Didcot and er and a thousand of these windmills would o occupy about three hundred square miles , and this is what three hundred square miles looks like er it 's , it 's the major part of , of central L you would n't put them in central London of course but erm gives you some idea of the sort of area you 'd have to devote to wind farms if you were to use this particular type of er of energy .
14 ( TRACE is generally a more useful aid to tracing a program 's flow unless you are using formatted screen displays . )
15 This is already erect now to find the the planets and stars when you 're using the telescope , yeah .
16 Having turned towards your track at a certain angle , you now wait for your RC to move to a bearing where it is displace from 0° ( station ahead ) or from 180° ( station astern ) the same number of degrees that you are using for your interception angle .
17 ( or smartdrv.exe as the first command in AUTOEXEC.BAT if you 're using Windows 3.1 ) .
18 CAUTION : Do not use secondary cacheing in the buffers= line if you 're using any other cacheing program .
19 It 's not the same situation as you are used to in Europe .
20 An interesting question is whether any particular crash is due to the hardware or the software that you are using .
21 This is no problem if you are using a charting device but will require extra calculation if you want to follow the written pattern where the numbers stated for rows and stitches will now apply .
22 This is no problem if you are using a charting device but will require extra calculation if you want to follow the written pattern where the numbers stated for rows and stitches will not now apply .
23 They only get in the way when you 're using a keyboard and anyway they 're easy to get off because the glue 's not up to much .
24 Erm you do n't have to exactly understand the tools that you 're using and how they work but
25 If then you say that in such cases the mind thinks , I would only draw your attention to the fact that you are using a metaphor , that here the mind is an agent in a different sense from that in which the hand can be said to be the agent in writing .
26 This should ideally be part of a course of lessons from a skilled teaching professional if you are to use your time and effort efficiently .
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