Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] that i have " in BNC.

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1 I do not want to suggest that all this work fell into such simple methodological traps as that I have described above , though I suspect that much of it did .
2 But now that you are reaching voting age and puberty , and will inevitably soon experience the same condition , I must tell you that my penis is fluorescent green and that I have five foreskins .
3 One afternoon , when Aunt Lilian was lying down , I told Aunt Kit that Richard was on the ‘ other side ’ over Suez and that I had decided to leave him .
4 I said , more 's the pity and that I had seen the term both in the Petit Larousse Moderne and the Figaro Littéraire .
5 The year erm which was done last year myself , self assessment and that I 've actually my form tutor to suggest it and they are reasonably positive , like sixty five percent to move into
6 I 'm defiantly proud to point out that I did thirteen drafts of Wanda and that I 've been writing comedy professionally since ‘ 63 , so by the time I was writing Wanda it was 24 years .
7 That she had lied to me , that my father had been betrayed by Mills and that I had avenged her husband 's memory .
8 They were spreading rumours that Mac and I knew the starter and that I had got away with a false start .
9 She added , ‘ He 's very good to Margaret ’ , and I felt that simultaneously she had nodded towards the past while affirming the present and that I had fallen somewhere between the two : nothing but the body of a ghost , nebulous and deserted .
10 I replied cautiously , acutely aware that I had n't seen Spock and Kirk do their thing for years and that I 'd only seen one episode of the new series .
11 A sergeant appears from what a plate beside the door indicates is the dentist 's and I go up to him and tell him my name and that I 've been told to report my movements by Detective Inspector McDunn .
12 And I should imagine that the light paper 's the backing paper and that I 've already glued my work on the paper and my my picture is already glued just there .
13 The moment was complete when I realised that the action had also cured my arthritis and that I had n't needed the strategically-placed piece of double-sided sticky tape .
14 I told him that I was English , an ex-paratrooper and that I had come to be a legionnaire .
15 I wanted to shout after him that I had made a mistake and that I had really understood him very well .
16 I thought I 'd either holed my shot or that I had missed the green as well . ’
17 Right up until I was n't able to do any more and able to , like all engineers you get most of the men when you get to the stage where you 're not able to crawl under cars and do things like that so you you find another bu business , we went into sales and , and er accessories , stores and that I 've been in all that line in the last twenty years before I retired .
18 getting increasingly frustrated on the subject of other things , pelican crossings and that I 've been concerned to hear since I 've I 've been requested this question and er it was briefly reported in the Cambridge evening news last night that they they 've had almost continuous telephone calls today complaining erm which shows the public as I thought of my own experience er are very concerned about this and would like to erm first of all bring it to the council 's attention and do regard as serious and ask the chair if there is a proper investigation will be made into the way the council handles this subject .
19 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I want simply to tell you that work on your notes connected with the Big Glass is at last under way and that I have remained scholarly and impartial throughout what has not been an easy task , in view of what you say about me and especially about my family , and which you must have known would give offense .
20 I am happy to tell the hon. Gentleman that I have had a number of meetings with President Vassiliou during the year and that I have already met Turkish Ministers , as has my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary .
21 I was confused and still worried that there might be horses and that I had not changed my bloomers which were wet from where I had fallen in the icy fish .
22 Now it can still be objected that this is also true of adults and that I have still , therefore , failed to distinguish them from children .
23 There is no reason why this track should be any worse than the " effort " track except that I have chosen to block off the easy track and so turn it into a dead end .
24 After nine months of tests , I was told that there was ‘ probably ’ nothing wrong with my kidneys and that I had had a bladder infection .
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