Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] for [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 erm it is n't a problem just for Hereford or for this country it 's an international problem which has evoked interest over the whole world .
2 Where it existed it was characteristic of states which , although they had long and proud cultural traditions , had suffered serious setbacks or for some reason lacked self-confidence .
3 If you live in or are visiting the Bristol area , ring her to arrange a demonstration or for more information about the program .
4 if relocation takes place during a school term , the company will reimburse day school fees for the remainder of that term or for such periods as required by the school for pupil removal .
5 It is central to his thinking that for most communities , each code has its own symbolic value in terms of " we " and " they " .
6 And you can actually see it from everywhere in the club except for that corner there .
7 Family , friends and grandchildren must take the place of the employing organizations that for many years conferred identity , values and status .
8 However , it should be borne in mind that for most Marxists an interpretation of historical ( or dialectical ) materialism , which we have briefly discussed above , provides some degree of overarching methodological coherence to Marxism .
9 This , coupled with the gossip that for some time surrounded the couple , soon convinced the constables they had the right people .
10 Laws enacted by claimant nations within the territories claimed , including those concerned with conservation and resource management , could not be regarded as binding by other nations that for any reason rejected the claims .
11 For more than an hour , rockets exploded across the sky — an extravaganza that for many Peking residents recalled not so much the glory of the revolution as the tracer bullets and machine-gun fire of early June .
12 There is also general recognition that for many years prisons have failed to meet these objectives .
13 He wanted to settle , once and for all , the question of whether Riddle had made his last journey inside the Wheel and for that reason he was resolved to have it closely examined by an expert .
14 None can work well in isolation and for that reason it is reassuring that the CBI , in pressing its case for the TECs to be the local regulators of vocational training , stresses the importance of the young person 's ( and the adult worker 's ) " personal file " , building on the existing good practice of records of achievement in schools .
15 We thank you for those who have ministered your word to the church of St Leonard 's during the weeks when we have been meeting in the School for the Deaf ; so we thank you for John , Alan and Emily , for the readers and for those chaplains and ministers who worship with us .
16 Less than a month later , at the beginning of March 1757 , Miller wrote a letter , now held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania , reporting that promised specimens of Crataegus had not arrived and could not be included in the current edition of the Dictionary ; he repeated his request for Gale asplenii-folio and for all sorts of lilies and Andromeda .
17 My best memory when I was at Primary School was that I was a member of a Gymnastics club and for many weeks we rehearsed our routine to do in front of the school and parents .
18 The most important buildings would have had red hand-made tiles on the roof and for this reason , the region became known as Rottwil ( red villa ) .
19 For children who encounter educational difficulties we have the services of our Learning Support Department and for all children we have Enrichment Staff who can extend their learning .
20 If there were a powerful king he might find some other way of terminating disputes and for this reason the church — which was not supposed to engage in warfare — was generally in favour of a king who could provide strong government .
21 The solid members needed only to take compression and since the principle danger in this condition was buckling , such components required to be as thick as possible for their weight and for this purpose bamboo or spruce was especially suitable .
22 However , Thornton Heath depôt had to supply seven cars and for this purpose cars of the 552–601 batch of E/1s took the place of the Penge open toppers there .
23 It is designed both as a basis for further study and for those students who want an overall understanding of ancient history as part of a degree in other subjects .
24 The Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) Education and Enterprise Initiative has set targets for ten per cent of teachers each year to be seconded to industry and for all school leavers to spend at least two weeks on Work Experience .
25 But no cases would be started in the hope of convincing a judge to " extend " an uncontroversial rule in a controversial way , and ( what is even more important ) no one would ever adjust his conduct in anticipation that a court might extend a rule if for some reason his affairs were brought before it .
26 My job entailed being on call for shipping in the harbour and for this reason I was loath to live outside Stornoway .
27 It always has been desirable for governors in special schools to have some knowledge of the curriculum in mainstream schools and for this awareness to be reciprocated .
28 Gold was used not only for covering images but for such auxiliary but revealing purposes as providing members of the Holy Family and Saints with haloes , encircling the head in paint , mosaic or sheet metal .
29 True , the issue may be complicated by tax and other considerations but for most choices this very basic analysis helps greatly to clarify the financial arguments on both sides .
30 Many have been homeless , not just for the past six months but for several years and they have been pushed from pillar to post within that area .
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