Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The explanatory variables which are utilised are expected to have an impact on union growth because they affect the opportunity and/or the propensity of workers to join a trade union .
2 So far as I am aware , this was the first occasion on which it was made clear that the period which elapses before a prisoner serving a life sentence is released is determined by consideration of two factors , namely : ( i ) the period necessary to satisfy retribution and deterrence , which has come to be called ‘ the tariff ; ’ and ( ii ) a possible further period if it is thought by the Parole Board and/or the Secretary of State that the prisoner would pose an unacceptable risk of danger to the public were he to be released at the end of his tariff period .
3 De Valois , Ashton and MacMillan have studied paintings and drawings by English artists and/or the words of such great playwrights as Shakespeare and translated them into gestures for which the dancer 's whole body has to play a part .
4 Those respondents calling for a drastic limitation of the professions ' liability and/or the abolition of the Compensation Fund altogether , often voiced the angry conviction that the transition from profession to trade — with the accompanying loss of status for the services of solicitors which that implied — had accelerated in recent years to the point at which the profession could no longer be called upon to pay for the dubious moral privilege of an ‘ anachronistic ’ system of compensation .
5 Persuading trout to rise has nothing whatsoever to do with weather conditions , casting technique or the selection of flies .
6 A dividend is usually paid as a percentage of the consolidated profits of Newco , but a number of points require consideration in determining how " profit " should be interpreted : ( i ) should the dividend be based on pre- or post-tax profits ( ii ) should the calculation of profit take into account any transfer or proposed transfer to reserves or to general provisions ? ( iii ) should profit include pre- or post-extraordinary items ? ( iv ) how should goodwill be treated ? ( v ) should directors ' emoluments in excess of an amount agreed with the investors be added back ? ( vi ) should profit be defined before payment or the provision for payment of dividends ?
7 The act must have been done at the promisors ’ request : the parties must have understood that the act was to be remunerated either by a payment or the conferment of some other benefit : and payment , or the conferment of a benefit , must have been legally enforceable had it been promised in advance .
8 Section 120(3) makes it an offence for a promoter or participant to receive any payment or the benefit of any payments which some other participant is induced to make by reason that the prospect is held out to him of receiving payments or other benefits for introducing other persons into the scheme .
9 ‘ Rule I : Where there is an unconditional contract for the sale of specific goods , in a deliverable state , the property in the goods passes to the buyer when the contract is made , and it is immaterial whether the time of payment or the time of delivery or both be postponed . ’
10 We now come to the closing words of Rule 1 , ‘ it is immaterial whether the time of payment or the time of delivery , or both , be postponed . ’
11 In passages which resonate with the spirit of Bagehot , ‘ a man of genius ’ , Dicey argues that the ‘ rule of a party can not be permanently identified with the authority of the nation or with the dictates of patriotism ’ and that ‘ while popular government may be under wise leadership a good machine for simply destroying existing evils , it may turn out a very poor instrument for the construction of new institutions or the realisation of new ideals ’ The limitations in practice of his belief in ‘ democracy tempered by snobbishness ’ are finally conceded :
12 Holistic theories suggest that racism can not be eliminated without the radical transformation of state , economy and civil society — whether this entails the dismantling of key institutions or the overthrow of the power structure as a whole .
13 What was not understood was that when you sweep away a feudal society , you do not overnight change the institutions or the casts of thought that have been built up over centuries .
14 Some methods of achieving this knowledge automatically are available but they are less reliable than methods based on field-work or the study of air photographs , maps and documentary records for the area concerned .
15 Why not begin , I thought nervously , with a visit to the Empire State Building or the Statue of Liberty ?
16 Rashes , itching and irritation can be due to heat , inadequate UVA protection or the ingredients in some suncare products .
17 Designed for the heavier runner or the runner with a pronation problem , the Endeavour is a stable training shoe with a studded outersole , suitable for the road or country .
18 During the toddler period some children 's awareness and motivation outstrips their co-ordination and so anger at not being able to get the doll 's arm into the jumper or the man into the fire engine can suddenly cause the child to scream in frustration and throw the toy across the room .
19 Anyone who has ever taken anti-histamines to relieve an allergy or the symptoms of hay fever will know that such tablets often cause drowsiness and a inability to think as clearly as usual .
20 Not particularly but I understand that er it is , you now have the whole of China which small areas erm relatively small areas , you 've now got the whole thing , I mean if you start initiating very radical reforms , as you say you do n't have the personnel or the resources to erm to prevent a , you know , a big change disruption .
21 However , that figure is a far cry from the 3,000 it had bet on getting rid of in the Orient or the couple of thousand forecast for the states .
22 This article attempts to provide some explanations for how readers of the play text or the audience of the dramatic performance are able to recognise character traits , and how these traits are themselves affected by the action of the play .
23 Moreover , although the Party probably enrolled rather more members among workers , intelligentsia , and artisans than either the Mensheviks or the Bolsheviks in this period , the prime constituency towards which it turned — the peasantry — remained very difficult to organize .
24 I do n't mean to suggest that such things as scientific monitoring or the use of dowsing rods are inappropriate at ancient sites : rather that we should as far as possible leave our preconceptions behind as we approach and allow the site if it wishes , to speak to us .
25 By contrast , little is learnt from the falsification of a bold conjecture or the confirmation of a cautious conjecture .
26 And erm the we are given or they h one of the reasons or the purposes behind Confirmation is to give us the strength to use the gifts which God 's al has already given us .
27 Their policies drew little disapproval from sports authorities or the rest of the white population .
28 However , despite the importance of the issue , there has been little empirical research on the ways in which decisions are currently made by the prison authorities or the implications of these decisions for the prison service .
29 The upshot is that Marx never even concerns himself with questions such as the relation between individual perceptions to objects or the texture of feelings , sensations and thoughts , which might have led him towards a theory of where individuality occurs .
30 NatWest refuses to disclose any figures for its Tessa accounts or the number of holders .
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