Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] when it come " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hope it might give a ten year old kid a little inspiration , a little boost and when it comes out of him , I 'm happy .
2 Is it not the case that when it comes to positive action and real decisions , the Government are always in the pocket of the landowners ?
3 Is n't it such a pity that when it comes to the playing of the game he either forgets the rules or makes up new ones .
4 The most popular PEPs are based on equity unit trusts and when it comes to charges on , the market breaks down into three .
5 Despite joint ventures in Europe with Philips and Olivetti , and in Spain , AT&T did not successfully achieve the same status as the existing ‘ foreign legion ’ telecoms equipment suppliers ; Siemens of Germany and Ericsson continued their traditional success as equipment suppliers in many countries , and ITT largely held on to its foreign markets both under its US ownership and when it came under majority French ( Alcatel ) control in 1986 .
6 Whether the image of an ice cream cone or a hamburger is good or bad is not too big an issue but when it comes to nuclear weapons and political events which affect not only the happiness of countless people but which are also a matter of life and death , does it help to avoid value judgements ?
7 Yeah but he 's not really really a er at er er look cos when it comes in
8 In the public-spending round of Government it is certainly true that departments overbid on the basis that when it comes to the crunch they can bring the bid down without damage .
9 MACAULEY Culkin 's Kevin may be a dab hand with a booby trap but when it comes down to straightforward , grimy-faced scallywaggery , there are a couple of Irish lads in Into The West who could give him a run for his money .
10 British Legion do : they 'd hired a Dixie Band but when it came to it would want Country and Western : six in the band and a twelve pound fee .
11 OK , we 've got Hardware and a fistful of talced-up goths but when it comes to ominous undertones the altered States are a league ahead .
12 OK , we 've got Hardware and a fistful of talced-up goths but when it comes to ominous undertones the altered States are a league ahead .
13 While Ipswich are one game away from the National League title , Chelmsford are one place away from relegation to the Second Division but when it comes to March 28 the league will seem a million miles away and both sides will have their sights set firmly on a semi-final place .
14 So the ideal as far as federal government is concerned is they , they devise policy guidelines and they provide financial inducements to states to implement various programmes but when it comes down to it they run up against the rock of the constitution and the constitution says that the states derive their authority from this sacred document and they are not to be tampered with and the consequence is that America has , not only a federal government , but fifty state governments er and those state governments are large enterprises which enjoy wide initiative and they contributors , contribute to the divi diversity of the United States as a political system .
15 It might be the authorities who give you permission but when it comes to the bit it 's the ordinary policeman who 's getting shot .
16 ‘ Every project has to be considered on its own merits but when it comes to safety there are certain common denominators — that 's why there are so many do 's and don'ts in place — to protect us , ’ explains regional health and safety advisor , John Fegan who , together with colleague David Scott is responsible for all of Wimpey 's Contracting and Homes sites in Scotland .
17 anyway we , we had a petition that when it came up that er , that the new E E C rules were coming in that they would , they 'd going to have to have a clean way if you are you are and a dirty way out you know
18 We try to set ourselves specific aims and objectives and when it comes to marking scripts , for example , we have a quite specific mark scheme which has been very carefully thrased out , not only with examiners , but with certain school teachers , which we try to make tie this down as be as objective as we can , but there 's always and element of subjectivity .
19 I 'd rather go in the shop and see it cos sometimes , especially if it 's got a pattern on turn out to be better than the catalogue cos when it comes , it do n't look the same , and then the same colour do you ?
20 and then it wo n't be sticky , I ca n't roll it out to make those shapes at the moment cos it 's too sticky , yes we 're gon na have to stick it in the fridge and when it comes out it will be just ready then .
21 All your commissions are paid the following week but when it comes to bonuses we we there is a slight delay , two two may be two to three months .
22 Great sporting moments have many facets but when it comes down to thrills and spill and leaving the pulses racing , the National is hard to beat .
23 THEY might be the underdogs but Sunder land have proved in the past that when it comes to Wembley finals they can rise to the occasion .
24 Kolchinsky was used to the gentle ribbing he got from the operatives about his cost-cutting exercises but when it came to the crunch he would never put any of their lives at risk for the sake of the budget .
25 The market-boast died first , as one by one , IBM 's hottest new products fell by the wayside , starting as early as Series/1 and the 8100 , continuing through System 38 , which was excellent , but scared IBM 's mainframe mafia too much , to the RT , such a disaster that when it came to the RS/6000 , IBM had to play new kid on the block and study and try to emulate the leaders in the Unix market to get the thing off the ground at all .
26 One man , and his garden shed , are living proof that when it comes to eccentricity , we 've got the market cornered .
27 A spokesman for the property firm suggested the results were proof that when it comes to spending Aylesbury 's definitely Top of the Shops .
28 There are about 200 at risk rhesus babies each year and when it comes to treating them , ultra sound scanners have made the difference , making it much easier to carry out accurate safe transfusions .
29 The advantage of not having a light on all the time to illuminate the indicators is that my eyes adjust to the darkness and when it comes to casting or playing fish I am not completely blind .
30 This may well seem to be the most efficient way of utilising office time but when it comes to weighing up effectiveness the pro-forma is a non-starter as parents are antagonised by this bureaucratic and impersonal style of communication .
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