Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] leave [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 Piquet 's 200 mph crash nearly took off his legs and left him with a limp for life .
2 I got on my bike and went back to the house a bit recklessly , shooting through puddles on the path and taking the Jump — a bit on the path where there 's a long downhill on a dune and then a short uphill where it 's easy to leave the ground — at a good forty kilometres per hour , landing with a muddy thump that nearly had me in the whin bushes and left me with a very sore bum , making me want to keep opening my mouth with the feeling of it .
3 The opening ‘ The Basement ’ is most disturbing , Blood explaining what can happen when your parents go away for a few months and leave you with your crippled sister : ‘ It started out with spankings with the neighbour looking on/She paid her daughter 's boyfriend who would whip me all night long … ’
4 The opening ‘ The Basement ’ is most disturbing , Blood explaining what can happen when your parents go away for a few months and leave you with your crippled sister : ‘ It started out with spankings with the neighbour looking on/She paid her daughter 's boyfriend who would whip me all night long … ’
5 Is the Prime Minister aware that in the year since he took office Scottish dole queues have lengthened by a further 28,000 , leaving almost 250,000 Scots without work and leaving him with an even worse record than his predecessor , the former first lady of mass unemployment ?
6 Ruth Michaelis felt betrayed from the time her mother brought her over to England and left her with the Reverend Stead and his family .
7 Any action on the part of a religious or other teacher which undermines an individual 's awareness of his personal and family duties and leaves him with the means to claim that a ‘ god ’ will relieve him of them , is an action which is utterly irresponsible .
8 At this early stage in getting to know Qbasic you can hardly expect to turn out a master work but to leave you with just Hello World until next month would be cruel .
9 You will then be visited about every five days by a nurse who collects the milk and leaves you with a fresh supply of bottles .
10 Theda took Hector to the kitchen and left him with Mrs Elswick to do what he might in the way of cajolery , for she had several morsels of interest to his ever ready stomach , and Theda was obviously not going to take him outside .
11 Sometimes Jack would bring Alison and leave her with Franca , or Alison would ‘ drop in ’ on Franca after seeing Pat .
12 D. B. Sweeney plays Doug Dorsey , a working class lad whose bright future in the National Hockey League is ended by a playing accident that leaves him with permanent eye damage .
13 And the time that Dame Edna came on , kissed Claire Rayner firmly on each cheek and left her with two luscious pink lip prints for the rest of the show .
14 Then on the Monday morning Law saw Salisbury and left him with the impression that Curzon could not be ‘ passed over ’ .
15 Well Sir Marquess across the road it was his first wife who died of a brain tumour and left him with three daughters , as we know .
16 CHELSEA defender Paul Elliott is to sue Dean Saunders and Liverpool over the tackle that left him with a severe knee injury .
17 Ideally , she knew , Brian should have been the recipient of all this intellectual and spiritual outpouring , but he was not interested , and her therapist , who should have been the other option , merely picked all the meat off her perceptions and left her with a meaningless pile of bones .
18 He cleared the breakfast things and left him with the small addressed postcard that he had been provided with to write a message on for his mother .
19 Far from slaking his thirst , all his weekend with her had done was whet his appetite and leave him with a desperate craving for more .
20 The Southampton central defenders left it to Flowers — but Goddard 's challenge won him the ball and left him with a simple chance .
21 The boy had not spoken since they thrust him into this sandstone cell under the ground and left him with his single candle and his narrow bed .
22 Common usage has sifted these terms and left us with the most expressive .
23 It 's highly unlikely , he argued , that people will unload their rubbish and leave him with games no-one wants .
24 Instead of the sunset raging a fire in them as Fernando had obviously intended , it had had the reverse effect — doused away a good deal of bitterness and left them with a certain sadness .
25 If we cancel it now it will create a lot of bad feeling and leave us with egg on our faces . ’
26 A pair of racing shoes could lift your performance or leave you with an appealing but unnecessary extravagance .
27 He made Willie cocoa and left him with Sammy to look at the ‘ straw roofs ’ while he went upstairs to put up more blackouts .
28 They 're sure to have the time of their lives at the Pirates Club or Club 16 , enjoying hours of fun with newfound friends and leaving you with new-found freedom .
29 The flames from hundreds of eruptions had once furnace-fashioned this valley and left it with rocks precariously dangling on steep hills , scattered warningly across the path , uncertainly wedged , it seemed , against the few huts which passed for homes over an ill-repaired double span of bridge which crossed the stream feeding the lake .
30 It 's not the fat cats we got ta take notice of , who steal the cream and leave us with the sil sour milk even .
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