Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] you have [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Designed to make the most of your hair 's natural movement , it can be sprayed on wet or dry hair and will encourage any natural curls or waves that you have and add body and shine .
2 The number of photographers you work with in each field will depend upon the volume of work that you have and your personal relationships with the photographers concerned .
3 [ to PAMELA ] Own that you have been very saucy and beg my pardon and I will try to pity you , for you are a sweet girl if you had but held out and been honest .
4 Erm subterfuge and you know deceiving people , and pretending if you have n't got any nuclear arsenal when you have and and that kind of thing , you know , you will hear playing games like that are n't they , hiding up the truth .
5 Secondly of course there are opportunities and limitations to your , the resources that you have and I 've mentioned resources before , they can be economic , military , your education system erm you know at the moment the government 's expanding higher education , going up , well we 've , we 've touched already I think thirty percent now in higher education one of the reasons for that is not just to , for self-fulfilment for those who are erm involved in higher education as I 'm sure you 're all self-fulfilling yourself here today , it 's because of what is perceived to be a national need for a highly educated workforce .
6 Yeah and er you know we can do a certain amount but I think if you went away from that you can go away from it a little bit but I think if you went too much away the people that you have and and our audience when we 've got them you know , they tend to stay with us you know they do n't change like the the youngsters and when we started off first you know our audience were mainly over forty five fifty plus really and now they 're down to we 're getting you know loads of of people in their twenties and in their teens and even down to kids like last night , five and six years old .
7 If you made it a little more difficult for through traffic to go through Harrogate , that would encourage traffic to divert to whichever relief road that you had and it would achieve an environmental objective at relatively little cost .
8 So no matter if you have and pick a corner .
9 So I gave you a topic sport or a hobby or an interest that you had and you produced a thought pattern for that just as we 'd done in the practice one with the subject of water , but then we moved on a stage further to get what are called a structured thought pattern .
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