Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] be [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Here , in the Rose & Thistle Inn , in this prosperous trading-post that was the last port-of-call for traffic from Sydney , Mrs Gould 's journal reports a return to the familiar routine : ‘ employed all day making drawings ’ ( 24 September ) ; ‘ drawing all day ’ ; ‘ drew all day ’ ; while her labours were relieved by the occasional walk with her husband in the cool air of the early morning or evening :
2 It lacks the personal touch it lacks the personal touch which is why you never send your people letters saying you 're fired or you know lost a job you always talk to them and it can be more expensive in terms of materials you use it 's it is very very expensive on mat materials and cheap on time but it 's a personal relationships that 's the first thing okay that 'll do so when do we use it ?
3 I think Porky pig that was the first one I saw , that 's always good
4 That was just the opposite of Roux 's result and was the first clear demonstration of the process known as regulation : the ability of the embryo to develop normally even when some portions are removed or rearranged .
5 The most cited reason for the statistical correlation between strong structure goals and being the first ( or only ) child is the inexperience ( and uncertainty ) of the parents .
6 In performing so well , BRC beat by 16 seconds Dublin University who have won at Erne and Galweay Heads and were the second Irish crew at Laganside Head .
7 I was born in Nottinghamshire and was the third of five sons .
8 I hope that the new format , while tackling the criticisms of ‘ awkward size ’ and ‘ too extravagant , ’ will be as favourably received in all other respects as were the first five issues .
9 I respond to them all , but in many cases that is the last I hear from the senders .
10 To remedy this weakness that is the next task before the labour movement .
11 If these are given to us as actual temptations , there is no less of temptation in the resounding sentence that is the last but one of the portrait .
12 The Lion Hotel boasts a bar that was the last men-only bar in town , staying that way till the '60s .
13 It is just as well for him , therefore , that all the chicks , when they hatch , have firmly planted in their minds the notion that they must follow those two massive three-toed feet that are the first large moving things they see .
14 They are made under the EC Framework Directive on Health and Safety at Work and are the first in a series of new regulations designed to improve health and safety management ( see also ACCOUNTANCY , November 1992 , p 104 ) .
15 It represents the logical conclusion to preceding buildings and is the expression of national culture ; it stands for the essence of Muscovite Christianity in Russia and was the last great church of the movement in this architectural form .
16 As early as 1805 Lorenzo Dow visited England and was the first of those many American evangelists committed to ‘ saving Britain ’ .
17 This acquisition complements the Group 's existing interest in the oilfield sector and is the fifth acquisition in the United States , the others being Turbine Engine Services , Electric Submersible Pumps , NDT Systems and Trico Submersible Services [ now part of ESP ] .
18 ‘ He brings the same singleminded approach to the job , ’ says Donal Murphy , secretary of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers ' Association , which represents mainly the dairy sector and is the second largest farm body in Eire .
19 Fitzsimmons , a vicious body-puncher , also invented the left hook and was the first to say : ‘ The bigger they are , the harder they fall . ’
20 That Conservatives lobbied British Rail and were the first to press for proper access to both platforms at Oxford Railway Station for disabled people and those who are unable to carry heavy luggage .
21 Lloyds too is a substantial merchant acquirer and was the first to offer the convenience of processing both Visa and Mastercard vouchers .
22 It was scored by Ally McCoist after he reacted quickly to a cross from Nevin that evaded Malta 's blanket defence and was the first of modern times to be recorded by Scotland at Ibrox .
23 First introduced in 1976 , the 405 proved to be one of Quad 's most successful products and was the first of their amplifier 's to use the famous ‘ Current Dumping ’ circuit for which the company was awarded the Queen 's Award for Technological Achievement .
24 The country 's first black lawyer , Chirwa was active in the independence struggle and was the first leader of the MCP .
25 Conventional systems analysis procedures were applied to single applications that were the first to be computerised in the organisation .
26 It is debatable whether it was the cylinder or the disc that was the first to have a formal ‘ label ’ physically attached .
27 He 'd been the man behind Mr Freedom , the shop that was the first place to sell T-shirts with slogans printed on them .
28 The fee of half a million doubles the swindon record and is the first signing by new manager John Gorman …
29 The festival lasted four days and was the seventh of its kind to be organised by CEPALC .
30 Irene Hall took his place and is the first deaf woman to occupy the editorial chair of The British Deaf News .
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