Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [conj] they have " in BNC.

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1 Things exist either because they have recently come into existence or because they have qualities that made them unlikely to be destroyed in the past .
2 Where this is done it matters not that the pedestrians have n't put a foot on the crossing or that they have actually crossed and the offence can still be committed ( Gullen v Ford [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 24 and Connor v Paterson ( 1977 ) 121 Sol Jo 392 ) .
3 ‘ It will be up to every member of the committee to decide whether they can take part in the discussions or whether they have a conflict of interest , ’ he said .
4 Oh yes , yes , they even had like they used to have savings ' weeks er salute the soldier week , they used to have promotions for National Savings you see and we used to get so much money or where they had a bid thermometer on the car park in Street which is now the extension of the Gala Baths and they used to show how much savings had been put in they used to have targets for people , to put the National Savings in , they used to have an Anglo-American friendship week .
5 Other fluids are sometimes used because they give better values of the governing parameters or because they have properties particularly appropriate to an experiment .
6 Cycling officers were asked what measures they used to reduce traffic speed and if they had a cycling programme .
7 Laidlaw had been detained by the police only hours after Barak 's murder and although they had interrogated him at regular intervals every four hours , trying to break him down , he had managed to stick to his story .
8 Darci Alves confessed to sole responsibility , in what was seen as an attempt to get his father acquitted , but a key prosecution witness , Genesio Ferreira da Silva , 15 , a former employee and relative of the Alves family , stated that he had overheard both of them plotting the murder and that they had celebrated its successful execution with a barbecue .
9 and the cars stop , he 'll even go over to one of the cars and if they 've got their window open and just er say can you give me , have you got ten P for me ?
10 According to second-hand reports of the conversation Krishchaty said that the body was lying on the ground at about 8,250m and that they had passed it two or three times .
11 If our young girls are to learn the profession , let them serve a seven years apprenticeship and when they have completed it , I ask for them the same wages as are paid for journeymen …
12 The purpose of this and of other victim studies was to elicit from respondents whether they had been the victim of a crime , and if so , which types of crime and whether they had reported it to the police .
13 Widnes held Cas and led 4-2 at half-time but once they had the wind at their backs in the second half , they began to dominate .
14 Well as long as you do n't mind the high mileage cars but if they 've been going up and down the motorway all the time
15 He argues that no social units can be treated in isolation as though they had no contact with others : all groups , whether tribes , villages , nations or families interact with other groups .
16 What way they dried them , whether it was in the sun or if they 'd anything to dry them with , I do n't ken .
17 Oh I suppose he 's invested it wrongly or whatever I do n't know I I can understand why they did n't come to his rescue , you know , I mean , they 've got their livelihood to think about and he was a bachelor where as they 've got children , or and he 's brothers and they 're
18 It 's OK in a caff — you can just ask for egg and chips or if they have pictures you can just point , but I think I might have trouble in a restaurant cos you got to read from a menu thing , and I have a bit of trouble with my reading .
19 The Lord Chief Justice had said then that it would be wrong for it to appear that the proposals had the backing of the judges or that they had had any hand in their preparation ; and that it was essential that the judges remained at arm 's length .
20 He told arts correspondents on 6 May that while they had created an expectation of radical reform of the Arts Council , his team were not going to ‘ rush their fences ’ .
21 I ran to your reviews as if they were my own and felt more dismay and indignation than if they had been .
22 This is a just a custom you know and they just all skipped er their work and and they had a a right what we call a good tear . .
23 walk into Smith 's and ask for Art and Craft April edition publication and if they have n't got any spares they will order you one I expect
24 The society claims that there are ‘ cosmic masters ’ in the universe and that they have come ‘ to give priceless teachings to man to help him prepare for the New World and to bring a great millennium of peace ’ .
25 The poor must tighten their belts and if they had run out of notches , it was just too bad .
26 Oh yes very much so and we 've been these er lots secretaries and presidents and all miners and that they 've been coming up you know and er you had a chat with them and they put us do n't let this happen , do n't let that happen , and make sure that erm you know people do n't suffer and er oh it 's been quite a vast experience for us yeah .
27 He managed to detain her long enough for them to tether the horses , because there would be no sense in coming out of the Workshops ( with , or without the prisoner ) and finding that the horses had turned their heads for Tara and that they had to walk the rest of the way to the Fire Court .
28 For this reason when the head teacher eventually excluded John permanently from school because of his behaviour the EP accepted that the school were acting reasonably in the circumstances and that they had made every effort with John .
29 The questions involved did not relate to the guilt or innocence of the defendants but whether they had been wrongfully deprived of material which should have been available to them in preparing for the trial and for use at the trial if relevant .
30 The chilling pictures of tiny James Bulger being led away to a brutal death have touched millions , not just because of the tragedy that befell a little boy but because they have made people realise how much their own lives have become defiled by fear of crime .
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