Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] [am/are] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The sun is low now and I need a lot of time to pitch my tent where I am headed , the dry watercourse near the laibon 's village .
2 The audit report should refer to significant departures from SSAPs where either they are not explained in the accounts or they are explained in the accounts but the auditor does not concur .
3 The audit report should refer to significant departures from SSAPs where either they are not explained in the accounts or they are explained in the accounts but the auditor does not concur .
4 As we saw under Beliefs ( see page 21 ) it is easy to fall prey to some recurring unrealistic thoughts or beliefs which cause you to feel upset whenever they are violated so , either while you are being hindered by an unproductive feeling or after an experience where you are hindered , or when you feel vulnerable to the onset of an unproductive feeling , ask yourself : ‘ How can I make more effective use of this present moment ? ’
5 I got your stock see , I 've got your stock , you 're either gon na shut your case or you 're going to the , you 're going to go to the house or you 're going have to move me from that objection that I 've hit you with , then the objection that you 're comfortable with , now that 's what closes are about , it 's dancing people from one objection to another , let me put you on another objection then , seeing as you 're not too happy with that then
6 The effectiveness of metaphors of the type in which inanimates are treated as animate is shown in passages of narratorial description where they are deployed in a fully developed form , for example in a lengthy passage where the pre-Copernican view of the universe ( which still pervades the English language ) is exploited and combined with the peoples ' perception of animacy in all things : " The moon rose slowly and almost vertically into a sky where there was nothing but a few spilled traces of cloud .
7 They are not known to the rest of the program and they can only be changed from within the procedure or function where they are defined .
8 Newco should thus be entitled to deduct interest payments as charges on income where they are paid to UK tax-paying corporate holders of share-convertible securities .
9 The new methods of European co-operation will prove increasingly relevant and useful in the enlargement of the Community , which will carry on apace from about the mid-1990s and — this has not yet been mentioned in the debate — in the awakening of public opinion in France and Germany where they are beginning to realise some of the implications of what their political leaders have signed .
10 There 's quite a lot of the broch showing , too , almost the complete circle , with one very high bit where I 'm told there are steps going up to what 's left of the top level , with a view . ’
11 The book department , looked after by Mrs Lynn Bolland , is in a capacious basement where you are greeted by a sign above the Glasgow books and maps proclaiming , ‘ YOU 'D BE LOST WITHOUT SMITHS ’ .
12 This means that in all states where they are evaluated , unc ( say ) is always strictly larger than
13 If you do not have a computer or you are daunted by them ( or your computer breaks down within a week of your arrival in a remote village ) you will obviously have more papers to keep track of .
14 The Citizen 's Advice Bureau has got a pro forma which if a person goes in and says I think I ought to be getting , I think I , I do n't think I 'm getting sufficient income support or I 'm going to apply for income support .
15 You 've got faith or you 're calling God a liar !
16 I feel 1 am transported into paradise where I am taken by the hand by Kabir the Weaver and led into the enchanted gardens where Li Po and Kalidas and Rumi sing forever .
17 Look well get it , go in the toilets or we 're gon na get done if we do n't go somewhere !
18 The cautionary phase here is watch where you 're putting your feet .
19 For all his working of the flesh and his golden suntan and his deployment of pop philosophies and credos , Letterman is too contrived an individual to be successful with the sort of Frenchwoman — my gaze descends from the mountain to my backyard where they are pegging out a goatskin — whom he desires to play the part of Claudia .
20 You may tell Lady Amelia where we are going for our walk and that we will return shortly . ’
21 The lucky ones are saved by the Pet Rescue Scheme and subsequently found homes where they are loved and looked after by more caring individuals or families .
22 Virtually none of the people looked at in this demonstration have gone into an informal care setting where they are relying to a large degree on informal caring .
23 As a rule of thumb never sign a recording/publishing/production deal where you are expected to invest your money in the recording or promotion of your material .
24 Either my stethoscope has a fault or I 'm going deaf .
25 Recently , however , they have been down to Lord Mayor Treloar College where they are helping to buy TNS 's , a battery powered device which produces small low powered electric shock — something like pins and needles — designed to ease muscle pain for people with disabilities such as spina bifida and muscular dystrophy .
26 Many firms will visit the university or college where you are studying to talk to you about training with them and many others will provide information about themselves .
27 All of a sudden they have kids to put through college or they 're shacked up with some old wreck of a husband .
28 Working with Local Development Organisations , through training and business support schemes and specific projects such as the Flexible Learning Centre in Drumchapel and the Easterhouse Entrepreneurship Programme , GDA has made considerable progress in extending economic opportunities where they are needed most .
29 It is natural to find sleeping difficult if you have just suffered a bereavement or you are experiencing difficulties in a close relationship .
30 Right now , though , these fine sentiments have got a fat chance of being put into practice where I 'm standing , boiling the milk for yet more midnight cocoa : with a baby of six weeks in the family , the philosophy of parental detachment is a far cry from reality .
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