Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] are of " in BNC.

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1 I am sure we all have one objective in mind , which is how we can best serve our members , and I 'm sure that both Richard and I are of the same view on this .
2 Teachers are probably more conscious of teaching knowledge and skills than they are of passing on attitudes , yet if , as former medical students themselves , they were to identify ideals in teaching the chances are that those ideals would be closely associated with one or two of their own teachers whose attitudes and behaviour made the most favourable impression at an impressionable age .
3 This observation is based on the high number of copies that there are of certain fabliaux and the number of variants that there are of others .
4 The faculty is particularly keen to ensure that candidates who have not made the ‘ going rate ’ because of disadvantaged or deprived circumstances but who are of good academic potential are given every chance of entry .
5 Furthermore , it raises yet again the economic and political implications which too frequently take second place to other matters but which are of the greatest importance for West Belfast .
6 ‘ Ordered by mandate of the justices that ‘ Masters of ‘ Le Utter Barre ’ practising or hereafter desiring to practise , shall not plead at any bar before they are of 12 years continuance , without leave of the Master of the Bench , on pain of expulsion . ’
7 Before dismantling the fence , it is wise to number the three wires as they are of slightly different lengths .
8 Yet the eight globins , descendants as they are of these remote branchings in distant ancestors , are still all present inside every one of us .
9 Often , aspiring artists are n't as aware of publishing companies as they are of record companies .
10 Two phenomena which affect the norma parasitic life cycle of nematodes and which are of considerable biological and epidemiological importance are arrested larval development and the periparturient rise in faecal egg counts .
11 No , it did n't form part of it and erm if it were to be done it would be having , shall we say , a political impact , but the sums are of such a nature that they are of no significance in the context of the budget as a whole .
12 Obviously the standards are not satisfactory but they are the same as they have been for the last 30 years and they are of Mr Pritchard 's choosing .
13 There are nearly as many mentions of feet in the Bible as there are of bread and yet feet remain unsung ( except when Handel gives them their due with ‘ How beautiful are the feet … ’ ) .
14 Discussions of deindustrialization are as often discussions of the deindustrialization of the employment location of the working population as they are of the declining importance of industrial production as a part of total production .
15 These things are just as true of educational drama as they are of traditional theatre forms .
16 A number of studies have dispelled the notion that they are of no importance in the British system .
17 ‘ My lord — ’ she said at length ‘ — I can not believe that my lord of Gloucester , being your uncle and the acknowledged protector of the realm , intends aught else than to rule in your name until you are of age .
18 Hence their smaller size reflects domestic use and they are of a similar size to those found on settlements .
19 This observation is based on the high number of copies that there are of certain fabliaux and the number of variants that there are of others .
20 One instance where this can arise is if there are two males of the same , or closely-related , species and they are of about the same size .
21 In all these cases the reciprocity is like-for-like and the message that is encoded in the action is roughly : " We are friends and we are of equal status . "
22 The United Kingdom therefore can not argue on the basis of the fact that article 7 can only apply to discrimination between ships if they are of different ‘ nationalities ’ in order to justify differences in treatment between natural or legal persons of different nationalities .
23 We 'll follow two of these chains in a sort of volcanic Cook 's tour since they are of fundamental importance to our story , and will crop up repeatedly throughout the rest of the text .
24 Americans are proud of their way of life as we are of our own although there are differences , there are many more similarities .
25 Whatever new curricula are introduced into a school the influence of educational traditions remain as much a source of continuity and stability as they are of unacceptable ‘ educational conservatism ’ .
26 The Anglican Henry Dannett provided a further fall-back epistemological basis for vindicating antislavery perceptions of the moral order by arguing that even ‘ if scriptural decisions should appear to contradict our ideas of right and wrong we are still bound to follow those ideas because we can not be so certain that we rightly understand and justly limit those scriptural decisions as we are of our own ideas of right and wrong ’ .
27 Anyway , I bet he 's just as fond of the ladies as they are of him . ’
28 In 22 the Poet is so much a part of the Friend that he can not age , himself , ‘ So long as youth and thou are of one date ’ .
29 Our inclusion of speaking and listening as a separate profile component in our recommendations is a reflection of our conviction that they are of central importance to children 's development .
30 He points out that most certified trainees come straight from school and so are cheaper to employ in the earlier stages of their qualification when they are of less use .
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