Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] be for " in BNC.

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1 The degree of laterilisation between different tasks was compared in order to see if there was a greater right field advantage , for example , for words than there is for trigrams .
2 After all there is greater Scriptural justification for such ritual than there is for infant baptism .
3 We must please be clear about those factors which actually matter , always bearing in mind that it is for the county council in the first instance and perhaps for the panel in the second instance , to take a decision about the suppression of past migration trends .
4 The feelings are no less intense for inspectors and headteachers than they are for students and teachers in their first appointment .
5 This is more of an illusion than it is for Britain because there is even less semblance in the US of centralised , national government .
6 It may be hard to accept , but the argument goes that it is easier for a creative and original performer to learn how to play his instrument than it is for a consummate player to learn creativity .
7 They are thus willing to pay several times more for the wealthy readers than they are for the less wealthy or poor .
8 one were the one was for the artillery and one was for the infantry .
9 I 've decided to add my own gown to the auction as it 's for a good cause , Guy 's Hospital cancer unit .
10 Nor can potential school achievement or social competence be directly linked to levels of sight : pupils with little or no sight have shown that they can achieve well in school , be independent and happy , since the interaction of the child and the learning environment is as significant for them in helping to achieve these goals as it is for any pupil in school .
11 Right so , you know , there are those who would teach that Jesus he would die for our sins and he 's forgiven us sins , but only those who come to him , Jesus died for the sin of the whole world , for every man , woman , boy and girl that has ever lived or ever will live , he died for the sin of the whole world , not just for those even who lived after his death , that 's why it talks about in the Old Testament people like Abraham looking for that day , and so Jesus who in , when he died , because he 's eternal , so we 've got the problems with time , God has n't got problems with time , he 's eternal and so his sacrifice , the sacrifice of him on the cross was effective for Abraham as it is for you , it was as effective for David as it was for Paul otherwise Abraham would never of had his sins forgiven because what happened with all the sacrifice with all the little lambs that were killed and all the goats and all the rest they only acted as a covering for sin , did n't take them away , it covered them , what for , until the moment when Jesus would come and would take those sins away and so when you think of David 's sin , his adultery and his murder , how does he get forgiven for that because Jesus died from the cross and he takes upon himself David 's sin and he takes upon him Abraham 's sin and Noah 's sin and Adam 's sin , just as much as your sin and the person who will be born in ten years time their sin also , all our sins er as Gloria just read there from , from one John to two they were all of him he has died for every one , well that 's his humiliation , hurry along quickly now his exhortation , the period from Jesus 's resurrection onward is referred to as to the , as the state of exhortation , now what does that term mean , well as Jesus according to his divine nature has always been , he was always every where , now in his human nature , before , be , sorry it 's not , it 's not on that one , but before he , he came to earth , he was every where , he was God , he was , he was omnia present that means he was every where at the same time , but he takes upon himself he 's su , he 's , he 's human nature and he takes upon himself the limitations and when Jesus is walking down second avenue in , in Jerusalem he 's not in Nazareth that 's why there were times when people came to er , to , to , came rushing out because they heard that Jesus was passing by , see he was n't there resident with them , he passed by , now he 's gone back to heaven and where is he , he 's in heaven , he , er whereabouts , where do you think Jesus is now , that resurrected body that was glorified that has gone back to heaven , where do you think it is
12 Well what 's that staying as it is for ?
13 In a rather odd way , 19th-century public schools were just as ideally suited for the fathers of gentlemen as they were for the sons of gentlemen .
14 ‘ All I can say is that I recognise the incredible enthusiasm that there is for this sport among a section of the listening public — especially Daily Telegraph readers .
15 Although many lone parents work , Table 4 shows that earnings from employment are less likely to be their main source of income than they are for two parent families although for both groups this will be affected by fluctuations in employment and unemployment .
16 It is clearly laid down in the Act that it is for them to consider whether or not the nuisance exists , whether or not it has been abated , and whether it still exists , and , if it does , it is for them to consider which of the requirements of the abatement notice are to be carried out or how otherwise the nuisance is to be abated .
17 It is neither more nor less important that a mentally handicapped adolescent finds a place of work than it is for any other adolescent .
18 Altering the diet is also far more risky for a child than it is for an adult , so there are more difficult decisions to be made before embarking on an elimination diet .
19 th th there 's , basically there 's an ord it has an ordinary editor which is sub right , it 's an ASCII editor that appears in a window and it 's for using , for editing the ASCII files .
20 But why not kill a child if it is for the child 's good ?
21 ‘ It 's in their interests to address the issue and it 's for them to decide whether change is cost effective , but it 's in our interests too . ’
22 This is a decision by the Natural Environment Research Council and it is for the best scientific reasons .
23 It would , however , be just as unfortunate for our understanding of Simmel to be confined to this aspect of his work as it was for his philosophy to be reduced to the simple model of freedom enshrined in a earlier tradition of American sociology .
24 Whatever I designed would have to take account of circumstances as they are for the hard-pressed teaching population .
25 We thus tend to think of ourselves as machines , and when things go wrong treatment is organized along similar lines as it is for our machines — servicing , repairing and patching as dictated by the appearance of aches , pains and loss of function .
26 It 's as difficult for the stewards as it is for us , ’ he said .
27 Their young winger/outside-half , Michael Corcoran , is as eligible for England as he is for Ireland .
28 As we have seen , there are distinct limitations on what can be achieved by way of conditions on a planning permission ; this can often be as awkward for the developer as it is for the planning authority .
29 The hope is to set up groups across Scotland to discuss health issues on a local level and it is for them that the recruitment drive has been started .
30 The onus of showing reliance has now shifted away from the buyer and it is for the seller to prove that there was no reasonable reliance .
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