Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] be be " in BNC.

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1 Their pursuit of high-level official corruption , and the perception that they were being victimized for it , had earned Gdlyan and Ivanov significant public support .
2 Large demands have to be floated gently and you must stay in touch with the other party 's reactions by looking for signals that they are being pushed too far or too fast .
3 just trying to sort out this business of this the offices that we 're being let in the Strand Theatre that er people are moving in this week and they 've got no authority to move you see .
4 That well-known fountain of knowledge — the fat blerk down the pub ( I assume every pub has one of these ) — seemed to think that there was more to the Batty deal than we are being told .
5 Although the Yugoslavs had so far had no indication that they were being taken to anywhere but another camp , probably in Italy , and therefore McCreery would have observed an operation apparently going smoothly , we think it unlikely that Verney , Rose-Price and others who disliked the fact that Yugoslavs were being repatriated under a misapprehension as to their destination would have failed to ensure that the Army Commander was given a true picture .
6 Anecdotal evidence suggests that British companies , which in theory stand a good chance of winning public contracts , are finding in practice that they are being discouraged .
7 2.1 Express indications of confidentiality Where the person disclosing information expressly states to the recipient that it is being disclosed in confidence this will usually suffice to impose an obligation of confidence ( assuming the information has the necessary quality of confidence ) .
8 They said my girlfriend and I were being unrealistic .
9 Their investment advisers might try to stop them , or limit the investment if it was being made on social grounds , but the Labour Groups could be relied upon to over-rule the objections .
10 All seem to have lost their support crews in the dark and we are being fed by whoever is at a lock .
11 We were living at Southport and we were being bathed by mother before the kitchen fire , and I was getting undressed and being helped with the buttons by the housemaid .
12 Thank you bowlers , six for twenty-five and then a slight contrast , one for a hundred and fifty , but he bowled a great many overs , that 's er , he 's proving a very useful addition to the the England side and he 's being used erm very sensibly by Gooch .
13 Most types of glider are reluctant to enter a full spin unless they are being flown with the c.g. on or very close to the aft limit , that is by light pilots .
14 Vicente might have entrusted it to Tristram because he was being evacuated from Teruel and was expected to go back to England .
15 I hope I 've been given I hope I be the temporary staff but , those homes are being refurbished , there are no vacant beds in those homes because they are being refurbished .
16 These enable you to put titles onto your recordings while they are being shot , with the option of adding a record of the date and time if desired .
17 The scuffles broke out when more than 60 protesters began tearing down a fence while it was being erected by council contractors around the trees on a strip of land at Stafford Park .
18 The 500ft Demetrius was driven ashore and broke its back on the rocks in a Force 11 gale as it was being towed to port the week before Christmas .
19 Ink is not needed because the LCD display shows the script as it is being written .
20 On follow-up , when these subjects were sleeping only 6 hours but not feeling sleepy any more during the day , the proportions of sleep stages were no different from the period in the experiment when they were being restricted to 6 hours ' sleep ( when this restriction did mace them feel sleepy ) .
21 You do n't want a bit of sedimentation and then a gap when nothing was being laid down and then a bit more being sedimented , because , you know , you do n't know then whether the jumps you see in the record are simply there because there was a gap in deposition , or whether they really reflect the sudden change in the population .
22 The paper 's job was to warn its readers when they were being conned by ‘ governments , opposition parties , vested interests , food manufacturers , sporting authorities , the media , powerful individuals and so on ’ .
23 Or if the horse has been jabbed in the mouth when it is being mounted , it goes on expecting pain in the mouth whenever it is mounted .
24 And it 's important that the kind of story that we 're being told this morning , or to continue to be told , we are to continually hear and observing
25 The responsibility that it 's being done right .
26 Samuel Katwere , editor of The Star , the only independent English-language newspaper , was arrested on Nov. 6 , 1989 , and held without charge over an article published in the paper on Sept. 22 , 1989 , which alleged that the managing director of the government-owned Ugandan Commercial Bank was being paid huge amounts in compensation for the death of two children during the war which brought Museveni to power , and further called Museveni a liar for defending the banker against allegations raised in parliament that he was being paid more than he was worth .
27 They 're probably out but it 's in the erm houses that they 're are erm , looking through windows .
28 The significance of this , of course , is that whatever people may think credit actually costs , and however accurate or inaccurate their notions about how rates of interest and so forth compare , this widespread satisfaction with the cost of any credit actually used — and its uniformity , from one type to another — shows that borrowers themselves do not have any great misgivings that they are being charged too much .
29 Communication amongst friends includes a much broader field than what is being communicated at that moment .
30 I do not know how we can make that judgment until we have seen the texture of the decision that we are being asked to make .
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