Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adj] [n mass] with " in BNC.

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1 It is no wonder that young people with no job , no prospects , little money and probably feeling that no one cares , should turn to petty crime .
2 The danger is that the younger people with below median incomes actually have lower incomes than older people with below median incomes .
3 Research has shown that older people with appreciable or severe disablement form a significantly higher proportion of those living in poverty or on its margins than older people with no disabilities .
4 Indeed , he is of the opinion that entertaining people with his ‘ music ’ is even more satisfying than experiencing carnal relations .
5 While the planned closure of both Digby and Exminster did mean some transitory inter-hospital transfers , both the chronic long-stay population and elderly people with dementia were considered to be better cared for in the community .
6 Q I have lost 3 Shubunkins , 3 Sarasa Comets and 3 Goldfish with fungal complaints , and the last one had a blood spot on its nose .
7 The 50MHz 725/50 machine delivers 69 SPECmarks , 62 MIPS and 13 MFLOPS with a choice of 24- or 48-plane two- and three-dimensional graphics .
8 Rates of pay in the art world are generally below those commanded by business and professional people with comparable experience and responsibility .
9 I point out the difference as many people with mental health problems are now being cared for in the community and I feel that the community needs to understand these people rather than doubly stigmatise them by thinking that they have two illnesses rather than one .
10 That judgment hounded him throughout public life and left people with the feeling that there was something not quite right .
11 Since it 's in a forecasting mood , TI also projects the 50MHz Viking 's multi-processor performance at 9,600 MIPS for a 64 CPU system , 4,800 MIPS with 32 processors , 2,400 MIPS with 16 CPUs and 1,200 MIPS with 8 processors .
12 was selling them , dodgy tickets and those people with dogs out and guns outside
13 As a result of two consultation days held to examine possibilities for greater integration in residential provision for children and young people with special needs , a series of recommendations were made to and accepted by the Social Services Committee in January 1987 .
14 In general , the staff/student ratio is rarely as good as in a school for children and young people with severe learning difficulties .
15 ( 1986 ) and Vernon and Fruin ( 1986 ) all found that field social workers , and sometimes residential workers , associated the provision of care for children and young people with failure , and thought that good social work practice meant avoiding the use of care , especially residential care .
16 Ensure that children and young people with learning disabilities have a smoother transition into adulthood and adult service networks .
17 One area which has proved very popular have been the walks and activities for children and young people with disabilities .
18 They 're children and young people with a very poor self image and where their investment in the education system has probably been partial to say the least .
19 The simplest way to provide your fish with the correct conditions is the find out what type of water is supplied to your tap and select fish with the requirements which match it .
20 The landscape is rugged and savage , despite a preponderance of caravans , aluminium chairs and fat people with flasks cluttering up the winding road that runs parallel to the railway for the majority of the journey .
21 To be available for consultation by RBGE Welfare Liaison Officer and other staff with managerial roles .
22 Maybe a couple of year as joint mgr with Strach , then a nice smooth transition to Strach as full mgr when Wilko hits 55 ? ? ? ?
23 Approximately half the courses described by the data sheets were for professional staff , one-quarter for non-professionals and one-quarter for both or either ( both or either typically meant new professionals and/or senior assistants or all staff with supervisory responsibilities ) .
24 Even in a socialist country like Tanzania , however committed one may be to the abolition of privilege in society , there is no arguing with the fact that young people with secondary and higher education can expect life to bring them a richer and more interesting experience than it does to the primary school leaver .
25 In this chapter we consider the special problems of mentally disordered offenders , problem drinkers , drug misusers and homeless people with mental disorder .
26 Are we then to assume that the Zande and other people with similar beliefs in occult power are virtually schizophrenics , with their minds split between two irreconcilable ways of comprehending the world ?
27 But it is easy to generate trade interest and early sales with a gimmicky new product in gadget-hungry North America .
28 It heard of the dilemmas faced by families and doctors in deciding on giving or with-holding treatment from severely brain-injured babies , people dying from AIDS , accident victims and elderly people with poor long-term prospects .
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