Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] us [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , of all the confusions that confront us the rumours alleging that the Hooligan gangs were armed with guns are particularly difficult to unravel , or to state in any balanced way .
2 She has done us many a kindness and fed us every morning . "
3 Tod and I reclined on the wrung bedding as Irene advanced into the room , holding a tightly gripped paper tissue to her eyes and calling us a piece of shit .
4 Mum came in from the shops and gave us the news that , starting from September , we are to have 2 morning services .
5 Our range is unique in the contract industry and gives us a sales aid second to none .
6 Gilfach Iago and Inclino Top continued like clockwork and gave us no surprises .
7 ‘ It was a terrible shock because he was a real father figure and taught us a lot .
8 If we 'd upset his applecart in busting out the hostages , then the radical fundamentalists might easily have taken over in Syria and given us a much worse problem .
9 We shall , of course , send a copy of our final report to all institutions that return us a completed questionnaire .
10 Those in the East End included a half-share in Chandler 's Wiltshire Brewery in the Hackney Road , Bethnal Green ( via the Lion brewery , Lambeth , the brewery that gave us the South Bank lion ) ; some of the pubs belonging to the Commercial Brewery Co in Commercial Road , Stepney , in 1927 ( the rest went to Hammerton 's brewery , Stockwell ) ; and West and Co , of the Three Crowns brewery , Hackney Road , Bethnal Green , with 60 pubs , in 1929 .
11 It was proving to be an ideal choice of holiday with a programme of free activities that gave us an easy opportunity to make friends with the guests form other nations who gave the Club such a cosmopolitan atmosphere .
12 And it is this struggle that showed us a way .
13 Any account of English book illustration would be inadequate without a tribute to Edmund Evans ( 1826–1905 ) who brought to a wonderful peak of success the revival of the art of colour printing from wood blocks and gave us the delightful colour plate books of Kate Greenaway , ’ Richard E. Doyle , Randolph Caldecott and Walter Crane .
14 However , given the actual staff time involved in production of the Standards I think this is a rather low percentage and gives us a somewhat unrealistic final cost per unit .
15 Have n't these candidates got the guts to face up to the voters who elect them to Parliament and spare us a few minutes of their time .
16 I think it was the head of the British water-skiing team who ran the camp and got us the boats and the equipment .
17 When will the Secretary of State make a decision and give us an answer on that most important issue ?
18 It should hold us in suspense and give us a sense of waiting and expectation for the more important message which is to follow .
19 ‘ Under John 's leadership , the last three years have seen significant progress and given us a good start in tackling the challenges that lie ahead . ’
20 This is not to say that the one is better than the other , music and poetry are for ever different and it is the difference that accords us the added joy .
21 It 's a black celebration , a grimy , twisted tribute to an era that gave us The Black Panthers , Jeremy Thorpe and Paper Lace .
22 Amazed that the little machine had brought us so far , he gave me his prayer beads and wished us a safe trip , ‘ Allah willing ’ .
23 Wilkinson 's failure to strengthen the defence especially at the centre back position ( and right back through most of last year ) will continue to hinder the team and deny us a claim of genuine championship contenders .
24 Our driver , Hans , spoke to David Lowe , who spoke good German and gave us a running commentary on where we were going .
25 And of course , the gospel is the great thing , and this is a message of the gospel , that Jesus has come to change our nature and give us a new nature , put in put within us his nature .
26 It 's not just the better the members that we 've got working in the Health Service , it 's about everybody in the room and everybody in the country who wants to use it and we 've got ta get it a bi a bit higher up on the agenda at this union and I hope Mick , that you can give us the confidence and give us the commitment , that that 's what we 're gon na get from this union .
27 Bob Eaton , the man who brought Lotus to GM and gave us the Calibra , is about to become chairman of Chrysler .
28 Could you get together with a supplier of high class ( quality ) foam and give us a design which is ergonomically good , visually pleasing , fairly simple to construct , adjustable , and something I can go to sleep in .
29 When the guarantee is released , or you get the deposit back , you must help us to cancel the guarantee or give us the deposit .
30 When the guarantee is released , or you get the deposit back , you must help us to cancel the guarantee or give us the deposit .
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