Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] him [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She swallowed her disappointment and told him she loved him .
2 She closed her eyes and told him he was wonderful .
3 In any case , how could she look into his eyes and convince him she would n't touch him with a ten-foot pole when every time he came within a few feet of her she quivered inside , remembering the fierce and all too brief pressure of his mouth on hers ?
4 I want you to get in touch with the Mayor and tell him I need to have the Council offices opened up .
5 She caught up with Pascoe by the lifts and told him she would like to talk .
6 I was impressed by Ali Wali and told him I hoped to get permission to return .
7 On 31 August 1986 , just three weeks before the Fall Term was due to begin , Donleavy called from Washington and told him he had to make an urgent trip to Lebanon .
8 A big reason for bringing him was so he would not call Tod Richardson on the telephone and inform him I was coming .
9 ‘ Give Cornelius my best wishes and tell him I hope he gets well soon . ’
10 That 's where you met Colin and told him I was having a new car .
11 But — and it 's this sort of complication that makes him I think such a remarkable man — although that did happen then , for the next ten , twelve years , he was entirely preoccupied , almost entirely preoccupied with something else , and this something else erm originates from the other revolution that he underwent at this time , a revolution that occurred after a visit to an international mathematical congress in Paris , where he met the Italian mathematician Peano .
12 ‘ I have had a long chat with Stephen and told him I know that he is knocking at the door of the full international side , but I would rather he played and helped out in the match at Tannadice than did nothing at Ibrox . ’
13 And in order to write about those things that upset him he would have to think about them .
14 He ran up the street and through the town as far as the main road , where he saw a sign that told him it was just seventy miles from there to London .
15 A week or so later the Italian experts returned the recorder to the magistrate and told him they were unable to read the recorded information .
16 Take his name and tell him he 's got a deal . ’
17 Di halted the unveiling ceremony in the City of London , called David to the platform and told him she was ‘ delighted ’ with the picture .
18 Perhaps the Minister had had a row with his wife and to wound him she used my name .
19 Aerial photographers scanning the country for just such signs had recorded the Hatherley evidence and told him it was virtually certain to be a Roman villa , but that archaeologists would give precedence to the more important sites .
20 But by the time I saw my husband I had chickened out of confessing the price and told him I bought it in a charity shop for 50p — how gullible can husbands be ?
21 Later , when he was in Wimbledon , I used to go round and drop some seeds on the ground and tell him they were pot .
22 Straightaway Steve got on to Malcolm and told him they needed all this money to join up with Scientology .
23 I could n't think of a good reason why not so I ushered him towards the stairs and told him I lived in Flat 3 .
24 The Headmaster did n't know any of the details but reassured him it would be alright .
25 Beneath the fabric of his borrowed shirt , her fingers trapped and twisted his skin in a burning pinch that told him she intended to deal with him later .
26 Ring Jones and tell him I 'm taking you to this dinner . ’
27 In Darlington , Robert visited an agency that told him it was unable to help him find accommodation in Newton Aycliffe .
28 He had n't suggested the film might not come out although she could n't have had time to develop it yet and she was n't working through a ‘ friend ’ sent round to sympathise with him deplore the whole thing and assure him it could be stopped if he 'd only tell that terrible woman one little thing … ’ — And since I 'm not married or anything I thought I 'd stick to the personal angle .
29 Take yourself up to Keith and tell him I 'll be back to say what happened . ’
30 A phrenologist — that careers master of the nineteenth century — once examined Flaubert and told him he was cut out to be a tamer of wild beasts .
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