Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] how they " in BNC.

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1 The client might then be asked to close their eyes and visualise how they might respond differently , or to role play the new behaviour with the therapist .
2 It is perhaps worth taking a minute or two to invite the Secretary of State to answer those arguments in his reply and to explain how they have been overcome in the new council tax system .
3 it 's forehead cos that 's what people say and it used to be fore head and they change all the time that 's why need to record the words and see how they 're being pronounced .
4 The theory argues that we can not develop one universal scientific approach to create the perfect organisational structure , but rather we have to look at a number of variables and see how they interact with each other within particular organisations .
5 He was serving on the battleship HMS Agincourt during the Battle of Jutland and related how they were in line astern to The Queen Mary and , when the latter was hit in the magazine and blew up , they sailed over the spot without feeling a thing .
6 ‘ Coping with Anxiety ’ helps anxiety sufferers to understand their condition and explains how they can get relief from their day to day worries with techniques which include allocating half an hour a day ‘ worry-time ’ and by using a combination of relaxation , breathing exercises and management of thoughts and actions .
7 The most important part of the day was identifying priorities for action and agreeing how they would be handled .
8 • control hackers and understand how they operate
9 At first she did not , then she remembered Oliver 's parting words to Tim in the rue du Bateau and understood how they had been interpreted .
10 All local plans are intended to develop in detail the broad structure plan policies and indicate how they are to be applied on the ground .
11 Take this opportunity to try Amyway 's products and see how they really do stand up to the products you have used for years .
12 Obviously , where these exist , it is important to use the opportunity and to consider how they can best be integrated with the more reluctant mass .
13 The plan identifies broad development needs and specifies how they will be assessed and met .
14 Creed was showing some of the pieces to the tourist and explaining how they worked .
15 My grandmother is a keen birdwatcher and she 'd already introduced me to a lot of the different birds that visited her bird-table , telling me what they ate and showing me their nests and explaining how they were made and what they were made of .
16 Trivers imagined that reciprocal altruism would evolve in species capable of recognising individuals and remembering how they behave , and of behaving differently towards different partners .
17 History is essentially to do with personal development in that it takes as the object of study the roots and origins of groups and those of individuals and examines how they have changed over time .
18 Now , it seems , you can leave your troubles behind in Grangetown and see how they queue for jobs in Merseyside .
19 Well another survey was done to look at these people at the top and see how they 're coping , and a big surprise .
20 To demonstrate this the project will construct and characterise the knowledge base of a number of firms , to describe the range of ways in which firms identify short comings in respect to some aspect of their knowledge resources and to analyse how they respond to acquire new external knowledge .
21 It outlined a set of principles and indicated how they would work in particular instances .
22 It is very important to emphasise that in drawing up these formal treaties covering the limitation and control of the methods and means of warfare , those involved did not see themselves as creating new rules , but as codifying existing principles and specifying how they were to apply to the rapidly changing conditions of warfare produced by political and technological developments .
23 Let us first , however , review some of the main themes of established class-based relations in urban and regional studies and establish how they might be improved by our new perspective .
24 ‘ I 'm sure someone already has , ’ Rain said , and thought of Tim and Joseph and wondered how they were linked in murder .
25 His great worry was literally following in hid mind 's eyes the squadron 's contribution to the target that night and wondering how they were getting on .
26 It is possible , then , to systematically examine these factors which are often proposed in describing spoken language learning and to indicate how they might apply in the sign language situation .
27 A team of researchers from Bristol University was commissioned to examine what the YTS had to offer young black people and to indicate how they got on during the first six months of the scheme ( S. Fenton , Ethnic Minorities and the Youth Training Scheme Research and Development Series , no. 20 , MSC , 1984 ) .
28 In general terms , developmentalists take the view that it should be possible to examine the ways in which infants and young children interact with the physical world and with other people and to determine how they change as a result .
29 Pick out a few terms and decide how they are best defined .
30 Ted , based at Research in Coventry in the UK , is involved in environmental work , studying emerging methods of pollution control and considering how they can be applied to Group businesses .
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