Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] make her " in BNC.

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1 Of course he had asked her if she was quite certain and she said she was , quite certain , but now he wondered if it was mere association that had made her agree , association and horror .
2 Mandy had assured her it was a cinch , but it was the hours that had made her take the plunge into something so totally out of her realm of experience .
3 Young Patsy ‘ Eighth Wonder ’ Kensit displays the style and poise that has made her a Hollywood superstar .
4 She seems to thrive on heretical statements and swimming against the tide : ‘ I look at what the cosmetic trade is doing and walk in the opposite direction , ’ she declares with the kind of outspoken defiance that has made her a retailing legend in the decade it took her to turn The Body Shop into a worldwide phenomenon .
5 In that case the defendant had made her home with a tenant of a private sector house for three years and continued to make her home with the tenant when he was granted a secure tenancy of a council house .
6 And that she could n't stop thinking about him now was infuriating , never mind that the thoughts were angry ones and not the sloppy , sentimental stuff that had made her weep the first few nights after she 'd left Rome .
7 It is a quite Caribbean Britain that has made her : a Britain at the end of the world which it used to rule .
8 A leadership style that has made her a remarkably effective prime minister would be a crippling liability in the White House .
9 She was also cursing the stupidity that had made her accept — even by default — a dinner date with a man so obviously well-heeled without considering the depleted state of her wardrobe .
10 The letter on the mantelpiece irked her and she eyed Mrs Rae over the steaming cup and wondered at the impulsive gesture that had made her invite the woman in for tea .
11 It was n't Travis , but the situation that had made her so aware of him .
12 He had used subtlety and goading to make her reveal more than she intended .
13 A long , indented coastline , with many harbours on both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean , gave her easy access to the oceans and had made her the economic centre of the world .
14 He had wanted a son and had made her suffer for it .
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