Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] or [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Always , outside the wire , the bored guards relieved each other at two hourly intervals while , inside , prisoners did the washing-up or quarrelled or went to sleep .
2 He was a quick noisy individual who laughed a great deal and sang or whistled constantly .
3 Spring-born suckled beef calves grazed with their dams until housed or sold do not usually develop clinical signs , although coughing due to a mild infection is common .
4 Old deal or pine kitchen chairs can be picked up reasonably in junk shops and painted or stained .
5 Now the 27 year-old sculptor specialises In beautifully complex human and animal forms , steeped in classical influences and burnished or weathered to make them look as if they have several lifetimes of history behind them .
6 The material evidence of childhood is wafer-thin : most histories of childhood are the product of adult ( re ) constructions whether written or pictured .
7 There lay a great female figure , naked except for the pipes and wires that fed or drained her .
8 At last , while the shadow of the ramparts reached quickly over the grass , they gathered up the debris of their afternoon and skipped or ran or walked or grumbled up the slopes to home .
9 The best way of disguising the gaps is with lengths of slim quadrant beading , pinned to the skirting and painted or stained to match .
10 These are portfolios of written calls and puts or bought calls and puts with the same exercise price and expiry date on the same underlying security .
11 The winter of commissions that promoted or predicted a sovereign Quebec has faded .
12 A very suggestive guess , too , but there was no acting on it until Dr Reece Goodwin had made a more detailed examination and confirmed or corrected Braby 's estimate .
13 As amended in 1965 , it covered any person who in any public place or at any public meeting used threatening , abusive , or insulting words or behaviour or distributed or displayed any writing , sign , or other visible representation which was threatening , abusive , or insulting .
14 More significant for domestic purposes is s10(4) ( b ) and ( c ) which give the retailer a defence provided : ( i ) that he supplied the goods , offered or agreed to supply them or , as the case may be , exposed or possessed them for supply in the course of carrying on a retail business ; and ( ii ) that , at the time he supplied the goods or offered or agreed to supply them or exposed or possessed them for supply , he neither knew nor had reasonable grounds for believing that the goods failed to comply with the general safety requirement ; or ( c ) that the terms on which he supplied the goods or agreed or offered to supply them or , in the case of goods which he exposed or possessed for supply , the terms on which he intended to supply them ( i ) indicated that the goods were not supplied or to be supplied as new goods ; and ( ii ) provided for , or contemplated , the acquisition of an interest in the goods by the persons supplied or to be supplied .
15 More significant for domestic purposes is s10(4) ( b ) and ( c ) which give the retailer a defence provided : ( i ) that he supplied the goods , offered or agreed to supply them or , as the case may be , exposed or possessed them for supply in the course of carrying on a retail business ; and ( ii ) that , at the time he supplied the goods or offered or agreed to supply them or exposed or possessed them for supply , he neither knew nor had reasonable grounds for believing that the goods failed to comply with the general safety requirement ; or ( c ) that the terms on which he supplied the goods or agreed or offered to supply them or , in the case of goods which he exposed or possessed for supply , the terms on which he intended to supply them ( i ) indicated that the goods were not supplied or to be supplied as new goods ; and ( ii ) provided for , or contemplated , the acquisition of an interest in the goods by the persons supplied or to be supplied .
16 Everything about them was in a state of collapse , because everything was cheap and badly constructed — the low-grade chunki-crete of the frameworks , the corroded metal that trimmed or braced .
17 Important Note : Every endeavour is made to operate the itineraries as stated or confirmed .
18 Beside TV , other media that came or went look mouselike .
19 The comparative performance of the French economy may be judged more or less favourably , depending on the criteria and the time-frame used , but over the decade of the 1960s as a whole it grew at an annual rate that matched or surpassed the record of most of France 's main trading partners .
20 The magnets are expensive and lose their magnetism if banged or dropped too many times .
21 The King 's main object in forcing the Act through Parliament was to regain the revenue from the perquisites enjoyed by a feudal lord and paid or owed by his tenants , known as the incidents of feudal tenure which had been depleted by the practice of conveying land to uses ( see below , Chapter 5 ) .
22 To heighten comprehension , our information was presented using personal pronouns in deliberately short sentences that explained or avoided technical terms ; awareness could be further enhanced by issuing the information sheets ( customised for specific operations ) during the initial outpatient consultation , which would give patients more time to assimilate the facts .
23 But these histories are more intelligible when seen as part of a whole and when it is understood that the forces that encouraged or hindered their growth were deeply rooted in the local society of which they form so characteristic a part .
24 She roared with fury if helped or hurried .
25 Different varieties include gathered headings , pencil pleats , pinch pleats , box pleats , scalloped headings and smocked or shirred headings .
26 Gunmen have driven countless people from their villages and seized or burned their homes .
27 Many of her friends had stepparents , and few of them were happy about it : in their rambling and interminable discussions they would deplore the stupidity and selfishness of their elders in introducing into their homes strangers who were not of their blood and who insisted on peculiar foodstuffs and liked or disliked various types of music — whichever was most inconvenient and painful to the children of the house .
28 In January 1976 , the Phalange overran Karantina and killed or deported the inhabitants .
29 Safety campaigns aimed solely at pedestrians are not sufficient in view of the fact that a substantial proportion of pedestrians are struck by vehicles and killed or injured , not on the road but on the pavement .
30 Instead he shrank warily into the background until coaxed or ordered forward , and always took full advantage of those times when Buddie showed an interest in him .
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