Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Patients are advised to eat regular meals , avoid certain foods , take tablets or inject themselves with insulin , monitor their blood glucose levels , to be careful with alcohol and see their doctors regularly .
2 The severe psychological damage inflicted upon the captive Biros led them to tear themselves from their shackles and plunge into toilet bowls , become suicidally entangled about gear sticks or wrap themselves around handlebars .
3 A trainee who feels that their training course is inadequate has often no option but to continue on the training course or find themselves in a position of having their benefits cut .
4 If the judge or district judge is satisfied that any proceedings can be more conveniently or fairly dealt with in some other court , he may order the action or matter itself to be transferred to that court ( Ord 16 , r 1 ) .
5 There was something in his utter stillness — a tension that communicated itself to her .
6 Various chemical systems have been demonstrated over the years that can self-replicate , some in a way analogous to the replication of genetic material , using nucleotides as basic units that assemble themselves upon a template .
7 What has been taken as kind of definition , which I 'll paraphrase I think for this purpose , is that it 's a condition that shows itself in children 's reading difficulty and erm that they are having this reading difficulty despite the fact that they have had reasonable , normal teaching , that their level of intelligence appears to be normal and that they come from an adequate social cultural background .
8 They had no aspirations to be patrons of the arts and to regale themselves like proletarian Ludwig IIs with grand opera or private performances of the classics .
9 It is a way of thinking and expressing oneself in language that is radically different from conversational speech .
10 Mystics are certain that for brief periods they have been enabled to experience such perception and know themselves to be part of a meaningful whole — one with the way things ultimately are .
11 That 's why they are determined to triumph on Tuesday and lift themselves into a respectable position in Group Three from which the favourites to qualify are Spain , Denmark and the Republic of Ireland .
12 He then walked into a bedroom and shot himself in the chest .
13 As he crept in through the scullery window she would leap from her bedroom and conceal herself in the nettles , unconscious of the pain .
14 I ran to the bedroom and heaved myself under the bed , fighting blindly with the magazines .
15 Only towards Pen had she let her guard slip and that was because he himself claimed her as his own , rushing into his mother 's bedroom and hurling himself into Wilson 's arms .
16 However , she was prepared to go along with the advisory teacher 's point of view in the sessions and reassured herself concerning her own fears by using whole-class lessons to reinforce what she felt pupils should have discovered .
17 when we do use our staff , we have the advantage that they are not restricted to a fixed location , but are mobile within districts and organise themselves with minimum supervision and are already capable of using high productivity equipment .
18 Eastwood played a Secret Service agent , Frank Horrigan , who froze when the first shot was fired that day in Texas and blamed himself for JFK 's death .
19 They find that the less stable isomers of the larger clusters , for example , heated by collisions with the inert gas , collapse and rearrange themselves into more stable fullerene shells .
20 He usually sneaked off to the lavatory and relieved himself by peeing and thinking of funerals .
21 Her head swam ; she shut her eyes and pressed herself against the wall , fighting to steady herself for the return trip , struggling to contain an urge to vomit .
22 Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a bookshop .
23 We visited the kitchen , were lectured to diet , closed our eyes and expressed ourselves to ethnic music and discussed who we were .
24 She wiped the filth out of her eyes and pulled herself into the wreckage of the cockpit .
25 The day was Thursday , the start of the academic week ; Flavia combed her hair , washed her eyes and marched herself to the tower .
26 In cultures the world over , women ( and in many cultures , men too ) have made their skin silky by bathing in oils , scented themselves with delicious perfumes , draped themselves in satin , velvet , silk and feathers , braided , brushed or oiled their hair , painted their lips and darkened their eyes and weighted themselves with gold and silver , or heavy ornaments .
27 She looked into his dark eyes and submerged herself in the bliss of being flattered .
28 I 'd join the crimplene brigade , dress out of the Littlewoods club and resign myself to false teeth and a perm by the time I was 30 .
29 Well , that 's the way it goes , Piper , ’ and in the same breath , ‘ look in that canvas bag on the back seat and help yourself to what you want . ’
30 The music blared out around them — Beatles songs from the Sixties — and for a brief space of time Rachel forgot her worries and allowed herself to be caught up in Belinda 's simple pleasures .
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