Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [adv prt] into " in BNC.

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1 Each year straw equivalent to 3.6 million tonnes of coal is wasted , usually burnt in the field or ploughed back into the ground .
2 Every culture , however imperfectly and blindly , either turned towards the light or fell back into the darkness .
3 Then we came to a smashed yellow stone façade and a doorway that led down into a cellar .
4 He comes pounding down the ladder , and grabs the wheel and stampedes back into the waves .
5 The car picked up speed and shot off into the distance .
6 The class struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat became ever more intense ; mounting economic crises followed in rapid succession and spilled over into the catastrophe of world war .
7 The material is then worked on by the waves and built up into a ridge facing the direction from which the greatest waves come .
8 He opened his eyes and stared down into Michael 's face .
9 She opened dazed eyes and looked up into Rohan 's face .
10 An adder had been seen ; it slowly wound its way along the track before sensing intruders and slithering off into cover .
11 He limped to the side of the roof and looked down into the yard .
12 Once embarkation was complete , the great ship slipped her moorings and slid out into the Atlantic garlanded with thousands of waving hands and handkerchiefs , blown kisses and streamers .
13 I finish my tea and climb back into the Toyota .
14 When viruses succeed in binding to cell membrane receptors they still have to enter the cell and break up into separated proteins and genetic material before they can replicate .
15 We dress up like bit-part players in an epic on Scott and go out into the night where the air bites clean and deep , and the snow crunches in that beautiful cold way .
16 She even put on sheer stockings and a brief pleated skirt instead of her usual jeans , then , as final proof of her new outlook on life , she put on the new pink sweater and danced out into the sitting-room , calling .
17 He then made the sign of the cross , said a Requiem for the poor steward 's soul , re-locked the hut , returned the key to the priest and wandered back into Cheapside .
18 He made her as comfortable as possible on the back seat of the car and drove off into the night .
19 In the end , Anna borrowed Lady Vestey 's BMW car and drove off into the night , angry and humiliated at her very public snub .
20 Meanwhile Aureole had got into top gear and came through into second place , but try as he might he could never pose a threat to Pinza , who galloped on relentlessly to win by four lengths , with Pink Horse running on to take third place a length and a half further adrift and the gallant Shikampur a tired fourth .
21 But there was no punishing flame , only orange tongues consuming the huts and reaching out into the dark sky .
22 But as the runners made round the left-hand bend in front of the stands and set off into the country for the first time she was joined in the lead by Run And Skip , and the company clearly put her off , for she hit the third fence hard .
23 He put both arms round her shoulders and looked down into her face with a wide grin .
24 He gripped her by the shoulders and glared down into her face .
25 He weighed 196lb and , when wishing to indulge in a man-to-man talk ( I say man-to-man because I became convinced he did n't believe he was a dog at all ) he would rear up and rest his forepaws on my shoulders and look down into my eyes , which are a rather attractive dark brown and reside about five feet two inches above sea level .
26 Then he saw Carrie turn and look at Mick and Mick take her by the shoulders and look down into her face .
27 The sense of shared knowledge and teamwork has been further accentuated by the numerous glimpses and views up into the studio spaces , the upstairs offices and surrounding meeting rooms .
28 They passed under the stone archway and went out into Castle Street .
29 He just got on the horse and launched off into space , landed in the lake and he 's swimming it out . ’
30 ‘ Be our guest , ’ said Noolan and went back into the social room leaving the large figure , head wreathed in cigarette smoke , seated at the top of the big committee sized table .
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