Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] they " in BNC.

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1 Brandishing a knife taken from the kitchen , the gang took all three to separate bedrooms and told them they would be stabbed if they did not reveal where their valuables were .
2 Choose a number of the children to leave the room and tell them they are going to be in a competition .
3 It would have been the easiest thing in the world take me into another room and tell me they actually liked what Allison was doing , but they did n't . ’
4 A week or so later the Italian experts returned the recorder to the magistrate and told him they were unable to read the recorded information .
5 Write your information on the back and tell them they can only eat the eggs after the instructions have been copied down .
6 ‘ It was their manner that told me they had to be taken seriously .
7 Later , when he was in Wimbledon , I used to go round and drop some seeds on the ground and tell him they were pot .
8 Straightaway Steve got on to Malcolm and told him they needed all this money to join up with Scientology .
9 So rather than sit at the counter and do it they they have rooms which you can go to and erm get interviewed
10 Somehow , I 'm sure that wild animals have a sixth sense that tells them they 're safe , even in the presence of their arch-enemy , man .
11 Do not allow yourself to be pushed around by an agency that tells you they have a large number of suitable vacancies and then persists in sending you for jobs which are not within your specifications .
12 I got in touch with the publishers and told them they would have to find another translator .
13 their food and support them they say around all day having very weird discussions about
14 It was only the light from their own carriage lamps falling on the neglected driveway that told her they were approaching the house , and the salt smell that got stronger and stronger and seeped through the closed windows of the carriage .
15 When Clark had to hire someone to become chief executive of the new regulatory authority , the Treasury gave him a list of nine admirals , seventeen generals and six air marshals and told him they 'd be disappointed if he did n't find the right chap among them .
16 Well he 's sold her a set of patio doors and told them they 'd be sort of six to eight weeks delivery .
17 Acting Detective Superintendent Mick Cox is leading the enquiry he 's been talking to Nigel Bell and telling him they 're convinced that the same girl has made all the phone calls .
18 ‘ Now , it 's not unusual for someone to come in off the street and tell us they owe a million . ’
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