Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [prep] they " in BNC.

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1 Be-bop , sometimes called straight-ahead jazz , is written with eighth notes , but at particular tempos the eighth notes are felt with a lilt or bounce to them .
2 Thus , in a thoroughly typical way , man , who is not endowed with an instinctive love of animals or care for them , achieves the ability to make a success of animal-husbandry as a form of economic life by channelling his otherwise rampant aggressiveness back against himself as a force of conscience which frequently expresses itself in pastoral cultures as a vengeful and recriminating god of the sky .
3 let me read those verses again , he says my flock wandered through all the mountains and on every high hill , and my flock was scattered over all the surface of the earth , there was no one to search or seek for them .
4 Novo Nordisk 's pesticide Novodor FC , based on a subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis , is highly specific and controls the larvae of the Colorado beetle without harming non-target insects or animals that feed on them .
5 Many other creatures feed on the animals that feed in this way , or upon the animals that feed on them .
6 The population of aphids is normally kept down by other animals that feed on them .
7 If phytoplankton , the microscopic free-floating algae that form the basis of the marine food chain , are adversely affected , then so will be the krill , the tiny animals that feed on them , and then fish , seabirds , seals and whales .
8 This attractive hypothesis has been extended to other groups of plants and their ‘ consumers ’ suggesting that under certain circumstances plants may benefit from those animals that feed on them and , indeed , may positively ‘ encourage ’ such herbivory .
9 The vegetation of the Kingdoms of the East is as varied as the animals that live in them .
10 The high street stores , and even the designers , are finding there is great value in maintaining , shapes , colours and styles that worked for them in previous seasons .
11 There was silence , filled only by the glare of expression , the tension that sparked between them , just as it always had , always would as long as they lived and breathed .
12 Grimly he started to sing an old war-song , to lift the weight that lay on them all .
13 Her defiance gave her the courage to lift her eyes to his for the first time , and she saw the surprise and sudden uncertainty that flashed across them .
14 The great pressure of the overlying sediments and the mineral-rich solutions that circulate through them cause chemical changes in the calcium phosphate of the bones .
15 She keeps nothing hidden from Edward , so confident is she of his love and so secure in her belief in the future that lies before them , unconventional and home-based :
16 From this theory ( often called ‘ diacritical ’ ) of language and meaning it follows that to study how a language functions we must take as our object not individual signs in isolation , but the relationships that obtain between them .
17 As a consequence the dinosaurs that preyed on them must also have grown bigger .
18 He too recognised the great gap that yawned between them .
19 So maybe we could have royalty but they do n't , we do n't have to have the pomp and ceremony that goes with them and also the cost .
20 I 'll have that bastard Kyle that runs wi' them .
21 Cornelius 's smile , reaching Harry across the grey pool of light that spread between them , glistened like the fly on a fisherman 's line .
22 Her arms wound around his neck as she clung tightly , her mouth open against his face until they were moving together feverishly towards brilliant light that exploded around them .
23 Perhaps the glass plates were treated by some arcane process that froze the light that passed through them ?
24 You ca n't see a proton because proton is too small erm the only things that you can see are microscopic bodies and again you only infer the existence of these microscopic bodies because you actually detect the light that comes from them .
25 Aunt Tossie put her elbows on the table in a rude way and , with her chin in her hands , stared at Maman through the epergne of silver and little vases that came between them .
26 The air smelt dank and trapped despite the wind that poured past them , forcing them deeper into the solid darkness ahead .
27 But " down in the grass itself , between the bushes , in that thick forest trodden by the beetle , the spider and the hunting shrew , the moving light was like a wind that danced among them to set them scurrying and weaving .
28 I mean sometimes used to get hammer and chisel to 'em
29 A notable illustration of this complexity even among hard-core racists was the NF official who pointed out that he had been elected by both black and white work mates , despite his well-known NF affiliation , because he fought equally hard for blacks and whites ; he claimed a liking for blacks and maintained that he played football and drank with them , although politically he supported repatriation .
30 We have held the hands of our gallant fighters and prayed with them and for them as their life 's blood seeped slowly into the dark damp earth of the jungle .
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